How to create Memes-easily and fast, a step by step guide

My Good Friend hugosan recommended this site to me when I talked with him about the ampleforth meme creation contest on publish, since I don't use Twitter and he was not willing to participate I thought I share it anyways, so that someone else can use it to participate on the contest. I know there are a lot of similar sites on the web and I also know that most People don't need a step by step Tutorial to use the creator, but I wrote this Article to make it easier for People that are not so familiar with things like that.

1. Go to, or Download the Mobile app from

2. Click on the "Create" bar

3. Click on "Make a Meme" 


4. Use one of the Pictures that are displayed by simply clicking on it, search for a picture or upload your own

I searched for Sparta because I planned to use it for my meme right from the start

5 . Choose the text u want to use(u can also choose the Color and size of your Text, but by clicking on the Text after adding it you can resize and change its Position anyways)

You can also add Additional Icons or Pictures to your Meme, I Downloaded Ampleforth and Loopring Icons over Google search and saved them per right click to use them for my meme

Simply click on "Add Image", to add whatever you like, you can even use some premade Icons or Speech Bubbles by clicking on the Sunglasses on the left from the Add Image Icon or Draw something by clicking on the Draw Button on the right from the Add Image button

Click on "Upload Image" to chose a Image from your device or take a Image from the Internet by pasting the URL

After the Upload you can adjust your pic and add it with a click on "Add Image"

6. Almost done, now you can change the Text Size and Position and add whatever you like to your Meme, I just placed my Icons and let the Text be how it was

7. When your done, simply click on the Blue highlighted "Generate Meme" button to finish your Meme



Now you can share your Meme over social Media

If you're not a registered user they will delete your meme from their site after an hour

You can also save your Meme by highlighting it on your phone or with a right click on your PC


I also like to add the ones that Hugosan made

Thanks for reading, I hope I could help someone and also good luck on the contest for the participants.

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