How to convert BCH into SmartBCH?

Smart Bitcoin Cash (smartBCH for short) is a sidechain for Bitcoin Cash and has an aim to explore new ideas and unlock possibilities. It is compatible with Ethereum's EVM and Web3 API and provides high throughput for DApps in a fast, secure, and decentralized manner. If you want to convert your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) into SmartBCH, this is the guide to you.

CoinFlex is acting as a bridge for BCH conversion. Before connecting CoinFlex, add Smart BCH network in your METAMASK wallet.

Go to "Settings" - "Networks" - "Add Networks" and enter SmartBCH credentials.

Click "Save". Now, your Metamask wallet is ready to receive and send SmartBCH. (Choose "SmartBCH" in Metamask wallet before doing following things)

Visit CoinFlex and register new account by using your email address and password. Another option is, directly connecting through your Metamask wallet, without opening new account. I choose Metamask.

Click "Metamask" and "Connect". Then click "Sign" in Metamask wallet.

Now, you have logged in on CoinFlex by using your Metamask wallet.

Click "Wallet & Order" and "Deposit"

There are 2 deposit addresses. One is normal BCH address. Another one is SEP-20 SmartBCH 0x address. Choose Normal BCH address and send your fund to this address from your BCH wallet.

I choose my BCH address, which is bitcoincash:qrz9mdua3n6majqgvmjgk69w7cuhfj265cdm2at8gj, and sent 0.0004 BCH to this address from my Badger wallet.

After few network confirmations, 0.00040000 BCH is appearing in Total balance. It takes few minutes. Now, click "Withdraw" to convert BCH into SmartBCH and to transfer into Metamask SmartBCH wallet.

Choose "SEP20" and paste your Metamask address. Then enter amount. I am withdrawing full balance of 0.0004 BCH to my Metamask SmartBCH 0x wallet. Estimated gas fee is appearing 0. Finally click "Submit" to withdraw your BCH balance into Metamask SmartBCH wallet. Then click "Confirm Withdrawal".

Check your Metamask wallet after few network confirmations. It takes few minutes. Now, it is appearing with my old balance. That's all. Now, you can send your SmartBCH to another SmartBCH 0x wallets. And, you can swap SmartBCH for SEP20 tokens in Benswap

CoinFlex is working as a bridge between BCH and SmartBCH like this. Thank you.