How to cheaply transfer crypto between exchanges ...?

I often hear the question: I need to transfer funds from one exchange to another

- how to do it quickly and cheaply, because the ERC20 network is a bit expensive?

I mostly use Stellar Lumens (XLM) for this.

Fast, very cheap and hassle-free. Time approx. 1 minute, cost 0.02 XLM, which gives <0.01 $.

However, what is very important: by sending funds to the exchange, in addition to the address,! you have to ! provide MEMO.

Without it, you can lose your funds irretrievably.

Before sending any funds, always double-check the address and memo as they are subject to change.

If a given exchange does not support XLM, cheap transfers can also be made by: FTM, MATIC, XRP

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