How to add altcoins to your Metamask wallet?

A new internet is germinating in the form of web 3.0 which is all about reading, writing, and owning. While web 2.0 saw the rise of tech giants such as Google and Facebook, who are centralized, web 3.0 promises a decentralized internet where creators can own a piece of their community. 

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a bridge between web 2.0 and web 3.0. MetaMask is essentially a software platform that allows you to store, buy, and sell digital assets such as NFTs and cryptocurrencies. It also allows a user to connect to any other platform built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. 

Consensys Software Inc. created METAMASK intending to help a user to interact with different dApps, smart contracts, and DeFi applications using the traditional internet browsers such as Chrome and Firefox. MetaMask can also be used on mobile phones. 

MetaMask has emerged as the most popular hot wallet among crypto enthusiasts and has over 21 million active monthly users as of January 2022. 

Why is MetaMask so popular?

One of the main reasons why MetaMask is so popular among its users is its interoperability. MetaMask is interoperable with virtually all Ethereum-based platforms and it allows its users to connect with more than 3700 dApps.