How the new staked SPS reward system works in Splinterlands?

I guess all of you are spending an awesome weekend with your family and friends but a reminder to all of you to check on the same season cause we have already come near the end of this ongoing season and only 6 days and a couple of hours left for it to end. If you have lost count, this is the 114th-ranked season in SPLINTERLANDS currently going on which clearly depicts how old the game really is. Yes, the game launched back in 2018 and has completed 5 years just recently, and unlike most of the other crypto-based games that vanished within a year of their launch due to weak reward structure or in-game asset valuation or for being scams, the rise and success story of splinterlands is phenomenal. No doubt the game has stumbled upon numerous problems and hurdles, but the wise official team and a large & long-time user-base who believes in this project have overcome those issues by making and upgrading this game into a better version. This continuous process has made splinterlands among the top play2earn games globally as ranked in popular websites like Dappradar etc.

Just recently, splinterlands launched another major update and completely revamped the reward structure system in the game. Before the update, the requirement in order to play in higher leagues was the CP or collection power which means the total card collection and the levels of a player in his account. But recently this requirement got erased from the game and now players can climb up and enter the highest champion league without the need of a certain amount of collection power in their account. This update will surely help skillful players who don't own a complete or very strong card collection but can play well with what they have and can progress into higher tiers for more rewards irrespective of their card collection.

However, while the old CP requirement was totally removed from both wild and modern formats of the ranked gameplay, a new reward system has been introduced alongside it where the rewards will be distributed based on the amount of staked + delegated SPS one has in his / her account. To understand it more simply, the more SPS you have in your account, the better amount of rewards you will earn from playing the game. So, playing hard and advancing to higher leagues are not a problem anymore for comparatively smaller players as long as they have a good amount of SPS staked in their accounts or are being rented from others vis the newly released SPS rental market. Now, let's look at the SPS requirement chart that just got published by the official splinterlands team to understand it easily on how to increase your earnings in this game after the major update.

As you can see from the chart above, this is the requirement of SPS (both in the form of own staked + delegation) to achieve different reward multipliers at various ratings. Please note that from now on, the rewards will be also based on the current rating or trophy count of a player and not the current league they are playing into. To understand it in a more simple manner, I have around 91k + staked SPS in my account and I am currently playing in the Diamond I league with a current trophy count of 3,907 and didn't choose to jump into the Champion league in spite of having enough rating. But, as I am playing with a 3,907 rating which is more than the entry rating of the Champ III league, my reward multiplier will count as I am playing in Champion III. Now, check the two screenshots from my own in-game page below.

First of all, please know that I am playing in the Diamond I league and didn't Advance to the Champ league. Also, there was no power down from my staked SPS and a few little power-ups as I reinvest all my in-game and staked rewards back into my staked wallet. I took the first screenshot just after crossing the entry rating barrier of Champ III where I was getting a 7.82x reward multiplier ( including a +15% bonus from my guild, so the core reward multiplier is even lower). Now, respecting the chart above, for playing into the Diamond I league with more than 89,424.40 SPS staked in my wallet, I should be getting an 8x reward multiplier but the multiplier I was getting was a bit less than that shown in the chart. It is because this new reward distribution format gets calculated from your current rating and not the league you are playing right now. So inspire of getting an 8x reward multiplier, I was getting a little less 7.82x (including the +15% from guild bonus) reward multiple simply because my rating was above champion III level, irrespective of the fact that I am not playing in Champ but in Diamond.

The second screenshot I took later on when I played more and reached 3,907 ratings and as you can clearly see, the reward multiplier got decreased even more and was giving me only 7.41x reward multiplier including the 6.44x multiplier coming from my Staked SPS and +15% guild bonus. As I am close to reaching the same rating as Champion II which is 4,000 trophies, my multiplier is also getting reduced and when I will be hitting the 4,000 rating, the reward multiplier will give me only around 6x as mentioned in the chart. So, just keep in mind that your rating or trophy count is the only important thing to you right now and the rating and the SPS are the 2 factors that will determine the amount of rewards you will be receiving in the game.

rating ^ 3 / 10000

The base amount of reward points that come from the staked + delegated SPS only can be determined using this simple formula below.

sps_multiplier = Max((staked_sps / (staked_sps + rating_constant)) * 13.3, 1)

rating_constant = ((rating - 100) * 0.007) ^ 3.5

Then finally, the reward multiplier including the modified reward points and rating constant and can be easily calculated as below.

So, I hope that now you have understood how this new reward system works and how to maximize your chance of getting better rewards. Obviously, we have to stake more and more SPS and thanks to the team for launching the new SPS rental market to help especially new or small players to rent some SPS as per their rating requirement and start earning easily. I have already started focusing on increasing my SPS stake and will be neglecting to buy packs or cards for now. What’s your plan or strategy to earn more with this new updated reward system? Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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