How (not) to save the world - Day 13

This is my 13th post, luckily not on a Friday. What can I say. Today I may talk about connections. And how you may go deeper into the rabbit hole. Look at this one. I introduced my brother to Publish0x, ReadCash and Hive. He is reading about Farm and Harvest Finance. Through them is joining UMA. He is inviting me to join UMA. (Check Twitter about SuperUman Initiative)Then through them, I discover Volatility token. This goes up x10, maybe x100, solving all my problems. Wishfull thinking. And maybe just one example. 

Are we chasing dreams into the blockchains, wishing for more and more, until crypto is sneaking into our life, staying for free in our mind, 24/7? When do we stop? What is enough? When one NFT on Ethereum (and maybe Solana) can sell with more than you can spend in a lifetime? What are your plans? What is Your Exit Strategy? I like those words. Exit strategy. It may me think that your mind is somehow in some kind of prison (Greed? Ambition? Pride?) and that you go in there, like in a mythical hero journey, battle the Hydra of your thought, and emerge victorious out of it. Changed. I still remember something that one of my teachers told me. That money only act as a catalyst, in the end, and the more they are, the bigger is the change in your behaviour. So, if you were good before, you may be even better after, if you were flawed, you may be even worst. Money are not changing your character, they are just enhancing your main treats.

So money should not be the aim. What we do with them matter. How we improve your life. So, I have inherently a problem with each Hodler maximalist. Which want just to hold forever his portfolio, until is mooning. I want crypto to improve my life, and others. So, from time to time I get some drips, something like one week rewards and interests, or one of my many $500 random cryptocurrencies that I bought and raise by x10, just to send it to my bank, for some little or big expenses, meant to improve my life. Better bed and mattres, better sofa, better laptop. A nice holiday. Going through the journey without rewarding yourself is like having the One Ring on your way to Mordor. An empty journey, even if it is a glorious one, and you have the most Precious thing in the world.

So, what we learn today? That the bigger gift of all, the end to all the ends, the war to end all wars, this is not to get rich or die trying. It is to achieve freedom. To become financially independent, so you can help yourself first, and then others around you. You don't need to save the world. You only need to save yourself. To get more free time. Time is the ultimate resource, and is the one that we waste, without any way to get it back. Being rich is not defined by having a billion dollars. Being rich is defined by having an empty schedule. By having time. Enough time to live the life you want. That's how I see it. Stop chasing shadows. And do what is needed for you to achieve your maximum potential.

Only then you are able to change lifes, other than yours, using random acts of kindness. Psych theory. One random act of kindness creates a ripple through 3-4 network connections, changing at least 5 to 50 people. Imagine what making this your way of life can do. You may be the stone that, once thrown into the lake, will create that majestic wave. I know, I said that you cannot save the world. Not even the cheerleader (unless you are the cheerleader). But you may do it, without knowing. (Watch the movie Pay It Forward for extra info). All that you need is to live a happy fulfilling life. And this is possible, even without crypto. (Heresy!)

So, this being said...

All the best, George

Why not...

...have fun and win rewards on my favourite blockchain games (Splinterlands- Hearthstone-like card game) ( - GamiFI NFT platform) and (CryptoBrewmaster - Beer factory sim).

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