How many people use a crypto card?

We are living in 2022. Crypto cards are becoming more and more popular and there are more than 20 crypto cards with different interesting conditions. Of course, they are mostly available in Europe and America.

But here's what's amazing. There are very few articles on the Internet with real experience of using crypto cards. It is impossible to find statistics on how many cards were issued by at least one of the manufacturers.

All you can find out is a couple of articles that you can use them and there are no problems either in regular stores or in online stores. There were even receipts from Starbucks about a successful operation.

Does nobody really need crypto cards? Or are users scared off by hard KYC? After all, it is necessary to confirm not only documents, but also to accept video calls.

What do you think, do we need crypto cards now? Would you like to use them every day?