How I got a Zoom call with Trump and an NFT for free — Part 2

Hey folks, so this is a continuation of a post last winter I wrote an article about how I got a Zoom call with former President Donald Trump for free (ok, so maybe for the price of one postage stamp). If you’re curious how I was able to bypass paying $99 dollars like most people, please go take a read. At the time of my last post, the floor price on  was sitting at a beautiful 0.15 $ETH, but since then…it’s depreciated nearly by -90%:

Should I have sold it at at the top to realize my 2000%-something plus gains? Sure, but here we are. I’m stuck with a 20-minute, 2,000-person zoom call with the former president, now worth approximately 0.0179 $ETH.

I’ve had a few people ask me periodically over the past several months about whether or not a call ever got scheduled, and up until today, I had actually assumed that it never would. I mean what’s the point right? Once this zoom call actually takes place, won’t the NFTs lose a ton of value?

But wait, we gotta date!

And so just a measly 8 months later I finally got an e-mail from, notifying me that the date is officially set:

Stand me corrected! Is this actually going to happen? Are really all 2,000 people going to show up on a Zoom call? Is Trump literally going to talk to everyone for 20 minutes?

Conclusion, and my Tinfoil Hat Take

The NFT team behind the Trump cards are still raking in 10% of any secondary transactions on NFT sales. In other words, it behooves not only the NFT holder but the NFT team as well to have these Trump NFTs exchange hands with as many owners for as much money as possible in order to continue to generate more revenue.

My guess is that regardless whether or not the activity/volume/sales go up or down in the next month, this call will get postponed to a later date…or possibly indefinitely. Besides dangling the hope that there’s possibly a call in the future — there’s no real immediate financial incentive for Trump to actually take the call. The only way I can see my prediction go wrong is if Trump uses this for a marketing stunt, which in that case will probably pump his bags for all his other prize offers.

What am I going to do in the mean time? I’ll probably just going to continue to HODL and see how this plays out. I mean c’mon, I literally invested just 1 postage stamp.

Thank you everyone for continuing to be part of this journey with me and for taking the time to read this. Be sure to follow me on twitter ( to get all my latest updates. Also, looking for a gift for your Crypto-loving/hating friend? Give them a REKT journal to cheer them up!

Disclaimer: And as a final reminder, this is not financial advice and this is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please as always, do your own research and find what investments are best for you. Cheers everyone!