How Aave is Disrupting the Crypto Lending Industry

Ever since the 2008 economic crisis, there has been a rapid rise in peer to peer lending - people lending others money with no intermediary involved. The problem is that these are risky loans, and often hard to source. Aave (pronounced "ah-view") is a protocol that provides a peer to peer lending service, where individuals can borrow cryptocurrency to fund their own crypto related projects.

is a DeFi protocol built on Ethereum, and is one of the largest lenders of cryptocurrency in the world. Aave's AAVE token has a larger market cap than rival protocols such as Maker or Compound. The AAVE token also has some unique features that differentiate it from other lending protocols, such as its ability to act as an emergency crypto fund or a crypto lending hedge. If you're interested in getting started with crypto investing, check out our free live demo with Aave Co-founder Ryan Wang - he'll walk you through how to get started!

Aave is a lending platform that aims to democratize the crypto-lending industry by lowering the entry point and providing borrowers with more options. It is primarily an online marketplace, but it also has a physical presence in Singapore. The company offers both loans and securities on the secondary market. The loans are facilitated through Aave's protocol which connects lenders and borrowers on a global scale.

How does it work?

"Aave is a crypto lending platform that uses blockchain technology to make loans more affordable for individuals and institutions around the world. Aave simplifies the process of applying for and taking out loans by using cryptocurrencies as collateral. The borrower doesn’t need to provide any paperwork, just their wallet address – which makes it an ideal solution for people without access to credit cards or bank accounts."

Why should you use it?

Aave aims to disrupt the crypto lending industry by providing a peer-to-peer lending platform that's simple and transparent. You can borrow and lend anytime, anywhere with just a few clicks. Lenders are able to earn monthly returns and borrowers are given access to instant loans without any hidden fees.


Aave is an online lending platform that is disrupting the crypto lending industry. They are taking a unique approach to borrowing by using blockchain technology, which enables them to remove the middleman from the process.