Hivewatchers adm are killing Hive watchers adm needs to go Hive is dying due to the abuse and cyber-b*llying

Many many people on Hive are wondering why it's so inactive and appears to be like a graveyard the same shit no one cares about on the trending page nothing new is happening on Hive the same group of people are running the Hive into the ground. 

On Hive even though some users pretend that Hive has no boss everyone knows which group is in charge and they are not nice people if you dare speak up they will try their best to silence you with downvotes and the gang will follow. 

It's hard to take Hive seriously many are watching our case and it seems like a big joke with a group of people at the top who are farming Hive for their own benefit the truth is that if things continue like this, Hive has no fucking future it's over. 

It's time for us all to face the harsh reality and think about how much time we want to waste on Hive as we can not change the actions of those who do wrong on Hive we will always be the little guys and girls 

The abuse on Hive is out of control it's not a safe place do not invite young people to Hive