HiveStats – A tool every LEO member should use


HiveStats aggregates in a one page view information for both Hive and HiveEngine tokens (also known as secondary layer tokens). Having this information altogether you can compare different tokens rewards, yield or other important information that could emphasizes things you need to improve or where you are doing a good job.


Hive section presents different views with a special objective in order to either summarize or separate information in order to be readable. It contains the following tabs with the corresponding explanation.

  • Stats - HIVE main details like Vote Power and Value, Reputation or Followers
  • Analytics - 7/30 Days Infographic on Account growth (HP) and Daily Rewards ($)
  • Wallet - HIVE tokens liquidity, powered up or in savings alongside the account valuation ($)
  • Rewards - Received or Pending Hive rewards from last 7 days, 30 days or all time
  • Operations - Translated HIVE account operations like IN/OUT Hive, author or curation rewards up to 7 days


Hive Engine section is the one that brings information for secondary layer tokens and their communities. This is where the fun might be for some of us that are finding more value into LEO compared to HIVE or other tribe tokens. As a user you can always have in mind the HIVE returns and compare them with the ones from LEO for example). Let's see what information we have on these other tokens.

  • Wallet - Lists all Communities with their Liquidity, Staked and Total amount from each token
  • Rewards - Aggregated all LEO income from author, curation or staking activities and the amount value in HIVE or USD
  • Operations - Community tokens operations like IN/OUT, author or curation rewards, mining or others alike up to 7 days

Having all this information at our disposable we can see how our blogging and posts is doing and make the right adjustment to provide better content and earn more revenue. Cryptocurrencies have their particularities and having an analysis tool and aggregating everything into a one page view it let us plays with the data and understand it better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta