Hive vs Publish0x - Don't pit them against each other

I read with interest this post here from costanza about the pros of PUBLISH0X over Hive. I have to admit that I agree on all his points except there's some benefits to Hive as well that I'm finding.

Publish0x is by far and away the better platform for blogging. It's editor is well above Hive's and even Peakd's but the platform has some issues that Hive via Peakd overcomes. For starters Peakd seems to allow better embedding of external content. If you've ever tried to insert a LBRY video you'll understand what I mean. The amount of pages (mine included) that show something like LBRY video link is huge and it comes down to the lack of embedding capabilities with the Publish0x platform. It seems to be geared up to YouTube support and nothing else. Peakd works but having said that the same issue exists for Hive itself. I would say this is because of LBRY's player - and to some extent it is - but Publish0x won't do Twitter posts (despite having the ability in the editor) and Instagram etc so this limits its potential.

While it's true that Hive has more crap posts it does also seem to have a more varied type of post as well. As a woodworker I like to see posts about my hobby. Do a search for "woodwork" on Peakd and you'll get an error but you'll find at least some users with wood in their names. Do that search in Hive and you'll see heaps of posts with the word "woodwork" in them. Do that search in Publish0x and you'll get nothing. Click on Tags and you'll see a post... MINE. All you seem to see on Publish0x is cryptocurrency posts and that's freaking boring. In terms of searchability, unless you're into crypto, you'll never get found easily. But on Hive you have great potential. That's not to say my blogs don't get found but I do notice that any post that isn't about crypto doesn't get the respect they deserve. On Hive/Steem, my posts generally get better coin behind them. It's not that they are better written it's just simply that there is a more varied audience than on Publish0x.

It's for this reason I don't agree with point 8 in Costanza's blog post. It's not that he's wrong it's just simply that I've noticed the complete opposite to what he's seen. But like I said, my posts tend to be quite different to his. His blog is all about crypto whereas mine aren't.

The truth is that to get anywhere you need to utilise both platforms. That's not a bad thing at all but does risk the ire of the plagerism filters. I haven't really had an issue along those lines but I have come across issues with multiple accounts that I misinterpreted.

Where Publish0x kills Hive and Peakd is the editor and the blogs. Under Publish0x you can have multiple blogs per user. I have three - Loweded Wookie , Wooden Wookie, The Postman - whereas on Hive/Peakd I have to mix all those posts together in one blog. You've basically got to work within each platform but I'm finding quite quickly that both platforms are better than using Wordpress, Blogger, Medium, or any of the big platforms simply because you're earning something without needing to resort to selling products or paying for ads.