Hive On The Rise Again!

With all the hype that engine-tokens are bringing to the table, it is sometimes forgotten just how important Hive is to the ecosystem. Of course, we all know that Hive is the cryptocurrency that powers the Hive blockchain, but at least in the beginning of my time on Hive, I did not realize that was the token that would serve the most importance when it came to influence and reputation on the blockchain.

Depending on what front-end you go through to participate on the Hive Blockchain, you realize right away that the displays you see for earnings will vary, but will rarely be displaying the Hive earnings of the post (it does if you use or

Hive is back on the come up after this past week! Remember that Hive has all of these functions and serves an important role because of them:


The most important aspect of Hive in my opinion is the ability it gives holders to participate in and vote in governance decisions that effect the entire blockchain. When proposals are submitted, users are able to use their Hive power to get a direct say in what the future of that proposal will be.


Having more Hive Power increases the amount of curation rewards you are able to receive for engaging with the posts of others. Additionally, when you give out upvotes you improve the reputation score of the creator you are engaging with; theoretically a higher reputation score means improved visibility and engagement for that author in the future

Trade Value

You can of course trade Hive on an exchange to make money, or trade it on the Hive-Engine as swap.hive for different engine tokens.

You can stake swap.hive with different Hive-Engine tokens to earn rewards using the diesel pools!

There are a ton of uses for Hive and there are a ton of projects being built on the blockchain, I am excited to be a part of it!

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Links and Connections:

Join me on SPLINTERLANDS exploring blockchain gaming

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Follow me on Twitter/Instagram: @ Rob_Minnick23

Hive: @ rob23

NEW TRIBE: @dunksocial

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Check out Cake DeFi for staking rewards

Bitcoin Cash Apps: @ rob23

Join me on PUBLISH0X to talk crypto

Who I am:

My name is Rob and I am a prospective law student with interests in cryptocurrency and blockchain. I have enjoyed my time thus far engaging with Web 3.0 and am looking to continue learning more and sharing what I learn through my experience