Hive and Peertube, together at last!

Forget Bitchute, Dlive and Youtube. 

You can now earn cryptos every 3 seconds on a real P2P media platform with no KYC, no TOS and no fees.

Zero middlemen, zero possibility of censorship, zero lag and zero fees.

This month, Agorise built a monetization plugin for Peertube (over 845 instances so far) using the Hive blockchain. So, if you have a Hive (or Steem) blockchain account, your content can start earning immediately.

Why do most media platforms suck?

They don't pay you for contributing your upvotes or comments, they take fees from the content Creators, they force KYC on the Creators AND YOU if you want to withdraw your earnings, they even require your email address (or worse) just to open an account. They force you to agree to their evermore stringent Terms Of Service. They can shadow ban your content, freeze your funds (and steal them!), lock you out of your account and even ban you entirely. WTF?!

For example, Jeff Berwick at The Dollar Vigilante has been banned virtually everywhere, so he was the first to move his content to web3: Peertube federates your livestream broadcasts, photos, audio and video recordings, artwork posts and all kinds of media through all of your subscribers and followers. Plugging in to alt protocols like Activitypub, IPFS etc and the Hive blockchain adds the income layer for all of your web3 content and more.

Now your content and "Likes" actually pay you!

If you're ready to DE-centralise and earn cryptos every 3 seconds, contact Agorise today!


The rise of Agorism

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