Hitachi Solutions Partners With Consensys; To Work on DApps

Hitachi Solutions has collaborated with Consensys along with Pegasys Plus to bring enterprise Ethereum to the Japanese Market. Hitachi Solutions will be working with Consensys to make a well-organized development of decentralized applications which will enable secure transaction with Pegasys Plus. 

As per the press release, From 1st April 2020, Hitachi will offer PegaSys Plus, a commercial execution of the enterprise Ethereum client Hyperledger Besu, for the Japanese market via reseller agreement.

Hitachi Solutions and ConsenSys are coming together to provide complete services and solutions for a decentralized application that is built on PegaSys Plus. 

As companies bring a rise in their digital transformations, blockchain is coming into the limelight as a medium of transforming business models in various different fields such as financial services, healthcare, supply chain, and logistics and retail.

To bring benefits of Enterprise Ethereum, Hitachi Solutions has partnered with Consensys to sell off PegaSys Plus. Ethereum is considered to be the most advanced blockchain system that is globally used.

PegaSys Plus is the blockchain client of Ethereum that supports both Ethereum mainnet and private permissioned chains. PegaSys Plus is backed by ConsenSys and offers enterprise-grade features and client services. The primary aim is to provide accuracy, make it easy to use and fulfill security-related requirements of enterprise environments via these features:    

  1. It is a blockchain platform that perfectly suits both public and private blockchain networks
  2. Ensures database encryption with security
  3. Has network reliability with real-time tracking and monitoring
  4. Track events on time to ensure the availability of network 

Hitachi Solutions is a core IT company of the Hitachi Group with 4,00,000 employees worldwide. Hitachi Solutions provides ideal products to its customers.  

ConsenSys is a global blockchain platform that works on developing enterprise applications, startup investments and build developer tools and offer blockchain education. 

PegaSys Plus aims to bring advancements in the adoption of Ethereum in the blockchain world. PegaSys Plus offers the same functionality as the Hyperledger Besu, with few additional features designed to manage clients in a better manner.