Hi everyone!I hope you are putting up trees and decorations and most importantly enjoying your family time

Hi everyone!

I hope you are putting up trees and decorations and most importantly enjoying your family time.

We already know that the official PUBLISH0X stand on its own token is: “We are not developing our own token.”

In this article, I will try to argue why we need some sort of a token (even if not tradable!) and how this would increase the amount of money the writers receive.

Introducing P0x (cool name?) would give more utilities.

  1. One of the P0x’s utilities is publishing articles.
  2. You earn P0x through tipping, and you need to spend P0x to publish an article.
  3. As a result, more people would tip, and the authors would earn more money.

The idea is pretty simple. For each tip you give, you receive for example one P0x and you need to spend two P0x to publish an article.

On one side, if you wish to reap the rewards by posting, you need to be an active community member. As a reward, writers would be getting more money from the tips.

On the other side, if you are just a casual reader, nothing would change for you.

Any opinions?