Hey! How much are my NFTs worth? 😇


I've never dabbled with NFTs. Neither am I a gaming buff nor an art guy. I haven't even bothered to check NFTShowroom on Hive and rarely visited websites like OPENSEA and Rarible though I once thought to invest in RARI token.

I know people are earning a lot in NFT marketplaces and I do want to make some money ??. But probably, NFTs ain't my calling.

I do possess some NFTs on different chains but all those were gifted to me in some airdrop or some promotions.


Today, I happened to visit NFT marketplace on Conflux chain. I'm lucky to hold a Genesis NFT for MoonSwap as I was an early participant in their ecosystem. So I was airdropped the following NFT some months back. I don't know what to do of it, so it was just lying idle in my wallet.

MoonSwap Genesis NFT #992


It was the first time today that I tried to check its market prices. I was taken by surprise to see several Genesis cards on sale from as low as 5000 cMOON to as high as 1.2 M cMOON.

Honestly, for me even 5000 cMOON is a very good deal. But going by others' prices, I wonder if I'm undervaluing it!

On a side note, MOON is damn cheap these days. It was selling just for 10 - 11 cents. Only today it recovered to 14 cents. But with just 10M in supply, a $1.4M market cap is on a lower side.

MoonSwap is an Ethereum second layer AMM with GAS-free transactions and a lots of development & strategic partnerships. I know, most people want to stay away from second layer projects but 10 cents per coin is too low to ignore it anyway. If I had some money, I'd have happily put some of it in it. I love the implementation of Kepler protocol which claims to make the capital utilization to 100% as compared to Uniswap's 20% currently. Staking MOON gives an attractive 36% APY.


Con Dragon NFT

Recently, ConDragon game was announced. It's the first game of “Defi+NFT+RPG” on Conflux chain.


And since I hold the Genesis NFT card, I was airdropped following animal:

Swamp Dragon #29342


These cards are also on sell in the market for 300 - 500 cMOON. I dunno, what it's worth and what's its utility in this game ecosystem. But today, I just staked it to earn some more mining rewards ...until I figure out what to do of it!

Oh, and I also got this Burn Ignite card on IOTEX chain:




Will I ever be able to figure out the true value of NFT cards? Are these some precious gems or worthless stones? How can I sell them before I figure out what these are!!!

Can you help me figure out how NFTs are valued?

Thank you!