Harvest Finance: New Updates!

Like always Harvest continues to tweak its platform to improve user experience and that is evident once more! They have done a few different things in the last couple of days that cover a multitude of themes. There is one that sticks out from the rest though


We now have a mobile interface for Harvest Finance V2's page!


Prior to this morning when I stumbled across this whenever you used METAMASK or COINBASE Wallet's browsers the updated Harvest did not work so you had to revert back to the "old" screen. This screen was missing some of the newer farms as well as the whole Polygon Chain. Now though you can once again be able to access your Harvest dashboard on a mobile device though! Being able to access Harvest on the go is key in the world of DeFi and how quickly things change!


The development team even added a new tab at the top that caught me off guard at first and it was the Borrow tab. While at face value people might find it confusing a couple of weeks ago Harvest partnered up with Fuse to create a use case for FARM and iFARM. This borrow allows you to be able to use your FARM or iFARM to access other cryptos in the Pool #24. There are not a ton of cryptos to borrow in Pool #24 and they are all Ethereum based but it does encompass the typical stablecoins and Ethereum itself. 


Lastly without closing the farms the development team appears to be trying their best to discourage usage of the latest two Zerogoki farms that were added. These farms almost from launch had issues but it was not the fault of Harvest rather issues with Uniswap vault itself. The initial farm, zUSD-ETH, remains operational and is yielding a nice 37% APY but the two paired with Zerogoki's native token REI are not yielding anything. Both REI-ETH and REI-WBTC are yielding 0% APY and the amount of assets in the farm has fallen to just a few thousand and I would assume most of that value is coming from not the REI but rather the ETH and WBTC the REI was paired with! 


At $490 million in Total Locked Value Harvest continues to grow and deliver amazing yields to its farmers! It is crazy to see how quickly they have been able to roll out not just one but two other blockchains in BINANCE Smart Chain and Polygon! Hopefully, with the gas price of ETH being absurd again they add additional Polygon farms beyond the three that they currently offer. Remember to always do your own research and not risk more than you can afford to lose. I am not a professional and this is strickly just spreading the word about the new updates to my personal favorite DeFi platform!