Goons of Balatroon NFT Project Launches GOB Utility Token

Picture credit: Goons.

The Goons of Balatroon NFT community has just launched its metaverse utility and governance token. The Goons of Balatroon token — or simply GOB — will be central to the project's expanding metaverse ecosystem and the various games it will eventually support. 

GOB token officially launched on August 31. Preceding the token generation event were two initial DEX offerings held on August 30 on Poolz Finance and Supporting GOB token trading immediately after launch are UniSwap V3 and 

GOB unifies the expanding Goons of Balatroon ecosystem

During the 2021 non-fungible token craze, a popular trend was to overpromise and underdeliver. Time and time again, a project would launch an NFT avatar collection alongside a roadmap that usually included metaverse land, some sort of play-to-earn offering, and a handful of other "coming soon" features and products. 

While most projects drifted into obscurity, leaving token holders waiting for updates that would never materialize, others used the funds raised and their community's enthusiasm to deliver what they initially claimed to be building. Among them is Goons of Balatroon. 

The latest example of the Goons of Balatroon's commitment to shipping is the GOB token. Simultaneously available on the Ethereum main net and Polygon Layer-2 scaling network, the token is well-positioned to facilitate the fast and low-cost transactions required by a GameFi project. 

According to a recent press release, the token will power various features across the Goons of Balatroon ecosystem, including its flagship trading card game product. Additionally, it will grant holders the right to influence the project's direction via on-chain governance votes. 

Before its recent on-chain launch, the newly created GOB token was already in use across the Goons of Balatroon's ecosystem. In its off-chain version, holders spent more than 20 million GOB buying trading card packs and a further 10 million during the project's World of Balatroon metaverse land sale. 

Goons of Balatroon continue to deliver on metaverse promises 

Launched in late 2021 as a 9696-strong NFT collection of bear and bull avatars, those behind Goons of Balatroon have spent the first half of 2022 building and expanding. Having hired additional hands — the team now comprises more than 30 individuals with crypto, marketing, art and eSports backgrounds — the Goons of Balatroon trading card game is the first of several products in the group's crosshairs.

Unlike other NFT projects that have long since exhausted the initial funding generated from their initial avatar token sales, Goons of Balatroon has the capital to deliver on its promises, too. In April 2022, the project raised almost $2.5 million to finance its vision of a metaverse. 

Another distinct difference between Goons of Balatroon and other NFT and GameFi projects building play-to-earn titles is the former's focus on fun. Speaking after the April raise, project cofounder Mark Turetski

"With the recent surge in play to earn games, we see an increased focus on the 'earn' function, and while this is absolutely an aspect of our environment, we believe a focus on making the game fun to play, first, is of utmost importance."

The Goons of Balatroon project lists some impressive partners and backers on its website, including Merit Circle, Unizen and Maven Capital. This fun-first approach clearly resonates with investors and is refreshing to see from a GameFi project.