Google Cloud Integrating Chainlink?

What is BigQuery?

Simply put, BigQuety is Google’s enterprise cloud data warehouse.

How does it work?

“To retrieve data from BigQuery, a dApp invokes the Chainlink oracle contract and includes payment for the parameterized request to be serviced (e.g. gas price at a specified point in time). One or more Chainlink nodes are listening for these calls, and upon observing, one executes the requested job. External adapters are service-oriented modules that extend the capability of the Chainlink node to authenticated APIs, payment gateways, and external blockchains.”

In other words, the Chainlink nodes will act as a bridge between Ethereum and BigQuery, allowing dApps to access off-chain inputs without having to rely on centralized oracles.

It’s important to know that the dev post is just a demonstration of how Chainlink could work with Ethereum and BiqQuery.

LINK has seen a price surge of about 72% since the blog has been published, so yeah, you could say it had a nice run today, but I am expecting a dump, so be careful (not financial advice, it’s just my opinion).