Good News For IOTA Hodlers, Hornet 4.0 IOTA’s Lightweight Node To Launch In Early June

The release of IOTA’s lightweight node is expected to be out as early as next week. Dubbed the Hornet, the team said the new version (whose implementation is in Go—a programming language) will be easy to install, manage, and run.

Most importantly, it will make the network more performant as it requires less resources and compilation isn’t resource intensive.

“The release of Hornet v0.4.0 is coming next week! This new version of our node software will be a lot easier to install, manage & run, and will make the IOTA network significantly more performant. Together with the community we’re right now running some final tests. Stay tuned.”

Unlike systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum, IOTA is blockless and is infinitely scalable. The more the users, the more it scales. Through a proof-of-work consensus algorithm, transactions are confirmed easily in such a way that the network doesn’t clog during heightened demand or are there challenges related to centralization due to energy consumption.

Hornet Represents IOTA’s Tech Evolution

Specifically, the Hornet compiles to the native code and won’t require the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) therefore remaining lightweight and considerably improving on performance.

The concept of the Hornet was formulated by the IOTA Foundation who understood that they need to fundamentally change the requirement of their software ecosystem for adoption and widespread use of IOTA. Being in the fourth version, the Hornet is distinctively easy to install and runs smoothly on low-end devices.

Since, the Hornet is only available for testing but represents the constant evolution and diversification of IOTA’s software offerings whose implementation are on the same par as the IRI or the Java Node implementation.

Chrysalis or IOTA 1.5?

Nonetheless, the community expects more from the development community.

Notably, the Hornet doesn’t tag along Chrysalis (also known as IOTA 1.5 preceding the update that eliminates the central coordinator or Coordicide which is IOTA 2.0) and appears the fourth version is but an improvement of the node software.

The Chrysalis update is expected to roll out in July and will be in two phases until the end of October 2020. Chrysalis introduces enhancements that make the Tangle ready for enterprise adoption while simultaneously allowing the development of applications on it.