Gods Unchained - Chaos is coming

It took just over 30 days after the Gods Unchained team announced the roadmap for 2023 before the first snafu happened. Or if you will 5 days before the start of Q3. But was this a good thing?

What happened?

All we know is that when doing internal testing something either happened or was discovered in the new game mode. I assume at least it was within that part. The other part that was also where announced for Q2 was a new pack opening experience. And at least me and the Gods Unchained players I interact with were let's say very enthusiastic about one of the two. In that, I am not at all knocking the other, as I think it is a very good, and presumably needed as well, update for the game. But it is just not one that you get excited about as a player. Well maybe if you are sitting on a few 1000 packs that are ready to be opened. Therefore I think it is a fairly safe assumption to draw that it was something with the new sealed game mode that caused the delay.

The other version of events is that the Gods Unchained team simply underestimated the work needed in making the new game mode. As the delay announcement does not really mention any big unexpected thing happening. But what was said was this: "We're testing both internally and are making some last minute fixes to prepare for release. Since this is a big undertaking and we want to make sure everyone has a great experience with both, we pushed launch back by a few days". So it very well could be they underestimated the time it would take. I do have a third theory as well that I will get to further down. It is the one I hope is the true reason behind the delay.

They have however announced a new date for the new game mode, the 5th of July PT. No idea why they would not opt-in to piggyback on all the celebrations the day before. I would have gladly announced something like this "Nation-wide celebration and fireworks displays in the US to celebrate the new Sealed game mode in Gods Unchained". But then that might be considered a false advertisement by some. =)

The announcement and community manager

The announcement about the new game mode being pushed back did not offer up anything directly at first glance. But if you either just read the roadmap post or simply remember it. You might have spotted a little something. Not sure if it was intentional or not. But I have gotten it confirmed that the post includes a teaser, tho not this. But enough of me procrastinating. The thing mentioned in the announcement that where not mentioned at all in the road map is the new deck builder. 

And this is my third theory of what happened and why there is a delay. The team was working away and in the excitement, someone thought why not also updated the deck builder? We might as well if we are updating the pack opening. So they in the excitement started to work on this third thing as well. But this led to the need to push back the release date in order for them to allow for propper testing of the new additions. 

I did talk with Eclipse, the community manager, about this delay and tried to get some additional information about the reason behind it. But she simply referred to the announcement post. But did mention a teaser. And when I presumed it was the deck builder, as it was previously not mentioned. I got the feeling she was a bit surprised. This can of course be by my astute observation skill of noticing every minute detail. Or it can, I guess, be because she was just flabbergasted I sort of skipped over the picture. I at least know which version I prefer...

But let us talk about the teaser mentioned. The picture that was included with the announcement. 

The picture is included in all its, its glory?

The picture has the text "CHAOS IS COMING" in big bold letters. And the picture features a humanoid in the foreground that by the looks of things is either praising some higher being or praying. Of course, the humanoid could also be cursing the thing. But I find no reason for them to give us a picture of that happening. In the background, there is a large being that looks to be made out of smoke embracing the humanoid.

As this was said to be a teaser I find it very unlikely that it is regarding the new sealed game mode. Or perhaps I should say I really, really, really hope it is not regarding the new Sealed game mode. My hope is instead found in the roadmap. Where in Q4 find as the last entry a listing for a new major expansion. And if you ask me, what would be more major than to have a new expansion that also includes a new god to play, Chaos, and their new champion, the humanoid. In the roadmap post, they say they expect this expansion to be similar in scope to Mortal Judgement. Meaning there will most likely be a lot of cards. And one good way to add a lot of cards would be to have the majority of them be for this new god.

What do you make of this teaser, do you think I am correct in my assumption? Or am I just too hopped up on hopium to be able to see the forest for all the trees? Please sound off in the comment section and share your thoughts on this teaser.

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Picture provided by: Gods Unchained Media