Gods and Geniuses

Whoever bought ADA at $0.02 in early 2017 and managed to dump it at $1 by the end of that year was indeed to be called a genius... or an inspired person... or a good trader. The idea is that crypto offers potential exponential gains in relatively short time to anyone in this market.

It's unbelievable the amount of wealth one can make in a year, or just a matter of months. Look at Solana that's close to $100 after selling for a couple of bucks, just a few months ago. That's paramount...but that was at anyone's hand to buy it.

Same happened to ETH in the previous cycle. It went from a few bucks to $1,400 and it's the second largest crypto by marketcap ever since. Exponential growth is the core narrative of crypto, as I mentioned earlier in the post. You got to have patience and vision to be able to make good money in crypto and that's where social media can play a crucial role.

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There are all sorts of crypto gurus on twitter that can manifest tons of influence over their followers, but one should be lucid enough to be able to discern from the tons of information, "word of advice" and strategies that are floating around.

One thing is clear: nobody knows for sure when and where the peak will be and nobody knows for sure how the bear market will look like and whether we're actually in a super cycle. Mere suppositions, same as the ones of these so called crypto gurus(not all of them of course) calling for a "premature bear market".

I believe we will have a bear market, most of the coins are paired against the dollar and plenty of us will pull out some profits once those get really juicy. That will happen for sure, but we're not even near a bear market. Yes, that time of a cycle might be a few months away, but it doesn't mean we're gonna peak just a bit to the North from where we currently are.

Things are going to get insane when we enter the mania phase and that manifested insanity will 30-40x the prices from current levels. Back in summer of 2017 the market looked insane as well, and look how insanity reshaped in less than six months, ETH skyrocketed from $4 to $100 in a few months, but that wasn't "final destination". That will for sure replicate for this cycle.

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There are plenty of shitcoins who have merely gotten to their 2017 ATHs in the May local top, do you think they'll just climb a bit higher their previous ATHs as a peak for this cycle? If yes, you should probably reconsider. Once the volcano will start steaming there's gonna be funds moving from one nest to another pumping every damn egg the mother crypto has placed in the nests..

Why do you think they call it the mania phase?

It's because investors will pour funds into almost every shit they find, like maniacs. People who haven't read any graph in their entire life will "know for sure" that one shitcoin's price trajectory is about to change radically and invest in that shit. You'll be a genius in six months from now if able to play the mania phase right. We haven't reached that level yet.

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All we've done so far is test the waters. I know, when looking back, the current price levels look insane, but everything will get even more insane than that, that's what crypto has been created for. All one has to do is not get lost in the tons of opinions circulating in the social media. A good strategy, vision and calm beats any volcano of opinions you can find on the internet.

Nobody knows anything for sure

I do know for sure though that in ten years from now we will be called gods for investing in crypto and being part of projects in their early days. Who would have thought back in 2017 that holding 1 ETH could earn one two months of living in almost every place around the world. Six months from now 1 ETH will probably earn the living for a whole year to some of us.

Who would have thought playing a damn game like SPLINTERLANDS would make millionaires. But there is at least one, I saw him in one tweet of @taskmaster4450. That guy is a god for many in the crypto space and so will be you, if "sticking to the game". I know, we're part of some crypto projects for years and they don't look like "doing much", but you know crypto, once they do they'll go ballistic.

There will be a mania phase and many crypto prices we currently see will look dirt cheap, there will be a bear market which will probably drag prices down to the current levels, or lower, but the high potential of making tons of money is still here and it will be such a pity to waste it. Don't waste your crypto on some guru's opinions over the internet and don't waste your time in non productive ways...

Thanks for attention,


Initially Posted Using LeoFinance Beta