Gnome Series on WAX. Future NFT game and a lot more. What you need to know!

I've been playing with WAXP, AtomicHub, Anchor wallet and the Waxcloudwallet. I have come across a lot of fun and very interesting projects that are built on the WAX blockchain. I'd like to talk about one of these projects now. This project is called Gnome series and it was created by Nick Gnome. It's about NFT trading cards and a new nft game that has yet to be released.

Whats the fuzz about?

Why do I think this is an interesting project, because there will be land ownership, gnomeseries has its own utility token, there will be staking rewards and a PVP system. But that's not all. In June, the skills cards will be used to make your Gnomes stronger and better. The website says the following about this:

Applying skills and experience to an “active NFT” will result in a burn of the skill card. The experience will be added as a mutable trait on the active NFT. More experience will be tied to the trainer as well. A unique level up system will be created. Each card will have a level cap. The level cap does not determine the “full strength” of the card. For example a Level 125 doesn't always win against a Level 100.

For the rest, not much is known about the game and how these cards will be used. What is clear is that the skill cards can be used on the Gnomes in mid-June.

Gnome road map

The road-map looks very promising and the Gnome community on telegram and discord are super cool. The creator of Gnome is very in touch with the community through telegram and other social media. If we look at different pictures of the road map you will know why I say very promising.



Card rarities

Now you may be wondering how the rarity of the cards is built up. The following photo will help you with that.

Final Thoughts for now

I didn't want to keep this project from you, so that's why I'm telling you about it. I think it could be the next big nft game on the WAX blockchain. First you had AlienWorlds and R-planet. But now you also have a Gnomesss and even more Gnomess!

I would say take a look at the Gnomeseries website and make your own judgment. And then I'll hear your comment in the comment section below.

I will keep you informed about the next developments around this game, because I am very enthusiastic about how it goes. I would also like to hear from you what projects you recommend for me to take a look at.

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I'm not giving any financial advice, this is just a blog for more information. If you have any questions or feedback please feel free to address me in the comments.

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