Get Paid - Doing Everyday Tasks

The world is evolving. People and companies are looking for ways to incentivize or be incentivized to do common tasks. The tasks we do every day anyways.

And why not, make a little money doing the things we do anyways?

The secret to maximizing profits and not getting burnt out is… use them how you would normally use them. There is no point in trying to make multiple accounts or doubling up on usage just to make a few extra cents. By trying to beat the system you will either get blocked, and lose all your money earned, or you will simply get tired and frustrated with the process.

The biggest value in getting rewarded in crypto, is the increase in their price over time. Use all the services constantly, and maybe even up your usage a little when the market it down.

Just remember, play the long game!

To get to the point, here is a few different ways to make some money on the side:

Using the Internet:

The BRAVE browser provides you with rewards (kind of like Microsoft’s Bing did) simply by using its browser. Brave will send you notifications of ads that earn you BAT. There is no need to look at the ads, or even open them up, you simply get paid for receiving the notifications. Brave can be used on all your devices – computers, Apple and Android.

BAT went from around $0.20 a couple of months ago to $.62 as of writing this article. Brave’s current roadmap is looking promising and will reward users who keep BAT in their wallets and use them to pay for fees and other things in their upcoming DEX.

Why Google Search when you can Presearch?

Presearch, a decentralized search engine provides you with rewards (PRE coin) for every search you do on their platform – there is a daily limit, however. PRE has seen massive growth over the last three months, going from $.01 to $.045!

Currently, you can make around .12 PRE per search. Not much, but it will add up over time! And, hey, you’re searching for things anyways!

You like tweeting?

Noise.Cash built by the Read.Cash people have created a community focused on cryptocurrencies and related projects. With this service you get free tips which you reward to others and get a small portion of it back every time you do. It’s easy to engage with the community and have fun while talking about things you’re interested in, all while earning a couple of bucks per week. Everything you earn on Noise is paid in Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

How ‘bout watching videos?

If you have time to get into YouTube rabbit holes, why not make money on LBRY doing it? LBRY is literally the YouTube for crypto-holics like us! Just by watching videos, completing small tasks and following others you can make some of their token, LBC. Just like the other services I’ve mentioned, LBC has gone up in price. From $.03 in December to nearly $0.11 currently

Stream it.. But not on Twitch! gives you a mix of video game streaming with a sprinkle of other programming videos. While watching videos, THETA uses your unused bandwidth to re-broadcast and stream the videos you are watching back out to other viewers. And this simple action gives you their token - Theta Fuel TFUEL.

TFUEL has gone from around $.02 to currently sitting at $.25!



More and more alternative ways to do your everyday tasks are coming out, and almost all of them are incentivized. You can even find games that will pay you in crypto to use.

The services may not be as thorough or mainstream as the others, but they get the job done and have great communities supporting them.

So, state using some of these applications that are available and earn a few bucks per month. If you are doing the tasks anyways, why not get paid for it? And who knows, in a couple of months those tokens could see explosive growth, and thus, so could your payout!


Good Luck!