Gemini and I Strike With Our Unique Brand Of Humor

In Singapore, all elementary sixth-graders have to pass a notoriously challenging Primary School Leaving Examination before they can move on to middle school. 

The Mathematics paper was held last Friday. And this question on money got leaked out to the general public. Parents were distraught by the toughness of this question. Students were reportedly said to be scarred by this unforgiving examination. The commotion created among agitated Singaporeans was so loud that this occurrence even made it to our national press

I have blogged about the Maths question if you are keen to take a look. 

But what I loved from this saga is that enterprising businesses, ranging from chicken rice stalls to banks, have leveraged this question as a marketing opportunity and thrown in their two cents worth about what the main characters, Helen and Ivan, should do with their coins. I shall reproduce Gemini's contribution below. This screenshot was taken from its official Telegram channel:

For the uninitiated, Gemini Earn enables you to stake various cryptocurrencies for as long as you want in order to earn some interest. 

Well, upon seeing this influx of posts on social media, how can I not jump on the bandwagon? So this was the affirmative and encouraging letter I posed on my Facebook this morning.

Dear Helen and Ivan,Well done on saving so many coins! You have exhibited the Growth Mindset well. Mr Heng approves!Please don’t grow up to have the misconception that you are only enough when you have saved more than others. We are all running different races in the first place.As the saying goes, “Save for a rainy day”. Use my Gemini referral link to help you get started: I, for one, am glad that these businesses have lightened what can be considered a tense situation. After all, examinations only exist for the purpose of assessing students' abilities at a particular point in time, so we shouldn't allow our children to equate their grades with their self-worth. Life is more than money, if I may put so crudely. Photo by Keira Burton