Geld finance runs token sale on p2pb2b

The token sale session for GELD Finance has already started on the P2PB2B exchange. When buying GELDF, users will get a 20% bonus additionally.

The tokens can be purchased until November 14th, along with joining the project’s community. The token sale will be followed by a listing on the P2PB2B exchange. GELDF will be available on P2PB2B shortly. Meanwhile, here is an introduction to the project.

GELD Finance: What is it?

GELD Finance provides a multi-chain, hyper-deflationary, launchpad, swap platform, and staking option for target audiences interested in higher-end blockchain projects.

Due to its perpetual, easily accessible, and profitable reward structure, GELD Finance tokens can function in all current market conditions in contrast to fixed supply tokens. Furthermore, they allow users to invest in multiple ways and are credible financial instruments for holders and traders alike.

What makes it special?

  • Launchpad. Investors are able to get involved in new cryptocurrencies through GELD Launchpad before the coins are publicly released. GELD Finance Launchpad provides a fair platform for executing IDOs for impracticable projects;
  • Staking (coming soon). Interest from GELD Finance staking is paid to holders as a form of income, while the rates vary from network to network based on a number of factors, such as supply and demand dynamics. With GELD Finance, users can gain more profit (APY 45-60%) than with existing staking providers;
  • Liquidity Swap. With GELD Swap, users can swap their BEP-20 tokens (the newest token standard from BINANCE Smart Chain) based on AMM (automated market creation) technology. It uses PancakeSwap’s router;
  • Profit Burning. GELD Finance introduces a unique concept in the crypto industry that allows token volumes to be maintained in the open market. Its tokenomics indirectly illustrate this concept, known as Trade & Burn.

Benefits For Investors

  1. Individual investors:
    1. Opportunities to invest in early-stage projects in desired sectors;
    2. Bots’ front-running is minimized with fair allocation.
  2. Institutional investors
    1. Investing opportunities that enable funds allocation to fulfil the thesis;
    2. Join an ecosystem where users are ready to test and grow products.

Sounds interesting? Join the token sale on P2PB2B and participate in community life! Also, don’t forget to follow GELD Finance on social media.

The Project’s Community:

?? Website:

?? Twitter:

?? Telegram Group: