FT Crypto watch October 6th!!!

Crypto fans we love you!! So sweet to have another day with y'all!! Bouncing around the fluffy Publish0x. 

When the algo let's us!! & clearly the algo wants more funnies, less pillow fighting with the FT!!!   Dear readers know we are not THAT smart, though, y'all think we will listen?? Don't even know HOW to stop, the FT can't get off that easy!!!  We suffered for our art Now it's Y'ALLS turn !! Lol.  

Light and lively Dave, with love, find the crypto funnies in the FT.   

Crypto news that dare not say its name- Government Sachs has their eye on the tanking pound, and is leading the vulture fund charge against the hurting fiat.   Shock waves have reckt the pension funds to where gilts are on a fire sale of 20-30% off!!   Zoom out, who gets scr-wed by this international fiat whoopsy - why, the people who need those pension funds.  THEY wish the gummint hadn't dumped gold for fiat!!  

FUN POSITIVE crypto that bays out crypto, but has an electric anti-barking collar when in the FT: 

MIAMI!!!    The US attracts more foreign investment than anywhere, and Miami attracts most of that!! TLDR:  The FT could only work in crypto in one small paragraph ah well.  Still had the space to say MiamiCoin, tho the #$(&$@#(*$&ers!!!  

It's funny, Miami mayor Francis hit the national stage on Twitter.   Silicon valley boys were b-tching about taxes housing blah blah and Francis slid in with a simple "How may I help??" LMAO.  

The real story:  The FT's own J. Ganesh taught us all the truth here.   Miami earned every red dollar when SHAZAM on the ENTIRE FREAKING PLANET EVERY OTHER CITY SHUT THE EFF DOWN,  really.  Ganesh bemoaned how the English ideal of eccentric freedom failed in a face plant of uncodified freedoms leading to Brits carrying their front doors down the street.  And hilariously, turfing out the PM for making stupid laws and then BREAKING them!!!   

Jay pointed out the American freedoms survived more and bounced back more quickly.   New York is in a funk still and much of the country mixed, but starting over a year ago Miami led the way in freedom.   Now it is paying off!!  Of course, the narrative at the Times could not mention crypto real estate or companies or nuthin, just saying.  OK they did mention Miami stole the bitcoin conference from Los Angels, but that and the sadly named MIA coin dig was IT.  Insane bias. Let those big dawgs EAT!!!   Miami swaggers up on the big stage!! even the Dolphins were looking good for a minute there!!!  It's CRYPTO FT admit it !!! 

NEXT in print - OMG we agree with Jemmers!  or she agrees with us we published yesterday lol It's scary when ya read Gary Gensler and he makes perfect sense.  Same feeling here with reading Jems!! NOT in the FT, but there has been a kickback of SEC insiders saying WTF grandstand much timing your press drops with legal releases??  THAT's not SEC style!!   It's REALLY funny dear readers remember our calling powermad rush to run Treasury IT"S BAC~k!!!

echos our feelings/  idea - KK did say #AD in her tweet.  Here's big bad Gary disturbing a woman who has bigger fish to fry, doesn't care about the 1.27MM, and MORALLY for god's sake she SAID it was an AD!!! 

points out that everyone knows influencers are shilling, it's in the job description!!  Worse is Matt Damon ( lord we agree) shilling us fortune favours the brave.  Worse still is Alex the Machine, we agree he's still getting Director fees!! AND you know he had the golden parachute they aint talking about. Prediction. 

Jems says the SEC is ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL!!! Beauteous. 

Dear readers know we often laugh at the crypto experts quoted by the FT, but this time Jemmers brings in John Reed Stark.   This superhero named dude set up and ran the SEC's internet enforcement office for a decade so he should know.  Stark says crypto is a hornet's nest, with chicanery, shameless awful behavior and shenanigans that goes on in promotion of NFT's, exchanges and platforms.

to disagree with the NFT thing, it becomes clearer every day in NFT wash scam sales data.

VERY hard to argue that Gary is not wasting his time.  Did his social media coach recommend he attack KIM?  Ar har har har yes that explains it. 

Really Gary?? That's the best you can find?  At least go crucify Bitboy, who DID NOT say #AD, if that's how best to spend the awesome budget of the SEC.  A child could find five scams running on YouTube right NOW that are 100x worse than any crypto Kim Kardasian ever thought of. 

That's it for the print version. Online?? YES we are live wait what?? TLDR:  we get a retread article first published in Ignite Asia, some FT purchase.  Which is fine, but it's funny, Ignite's graphics team selected the exact same stock bitcoin photo that someone in the regular FT graphics department already used.  Trust us on this, we are nuts like that. 

We will try to go on!!   Let's see, anti crypto copypasta hit it on four ! despite tightening regulation!   regulators cracking down on the asset class!!  Retail access curbed!!!  Ad rules overhauled!! 

OK, the Ignites team sang to the FT company hymnal negative crypto narrative, it wasn't THAT bad!  

After this, the story is boring in that it is ALL POSITIVE CRYPTO NEWS!!  once you get over the part that the little people no longer have retail access.  Fund and ETFs in Sing, Hong Kong, Korea, and local leader Oz are rolling out!! Korea's biggest bank, KM AM, and BNY are doing it! Thailand had 132bn in crypto trading last year, Vietnam 112bn!!  the beat goes on. 

What's funny?  Yap at Cerrulli sez that increasing reghammering and wild market volatility are KEY SELLING POINTS for crypto RELATED funds, lol!! 

Finally, no humor is complete without D'Oh!! TLDR, it is SO funny, D'Oh's ego just CAN'T let him STFU.  It's gonna get him!  This time he HAS to comment -"  oh that wasn't MY 70mm. But y'know, good for them, I hope they use it for good. "  Who would EVER say THAT if it was true that it was not his???  Ah ha ha ha ha !!!   What a d-ck.  "I have no time to trade."  Yer right there, the clock is ticking!! 

No other new news, other than Korea put a two week ticking time bomb on D'Oh's passport and legal status.  Our prediction gives him about eight weeks to run, pass the popcorn!!! The FT manages to finish with a dig at crypto, Dongwang from Blitz sez venture cap has slashed investment.  Funny, that's NOT what other articles say today, and market cap is back at at trillion!! 

That's it intrepid FT cryptonauts!! Thank you thank you!!  We love y'all have a great night!! we are looking for more fun crypto news!!!!!

Peace out,