FT crypto watch May 24

Cryptonauts we love you!! Thanks for saddling up to ride with your Watch Army!   Patrolling the dangers of tradfi agitprop for a better crypto tomorrow!! 

weird but accessible  poppy punky love song reading music straight off the line:

and what do we get from the pink lady? : hey we MISSED that funny from the floor!!  Otherwise a nothingburger article.  Rehash Bitcoin Miami was down.  Lil Britain trying to reghammer crypto as gambling. Rehash Iosco blathering, Gary blathering.  The hope of a UK light touch of regulation to increase profits is dead and gone thanks to Treasury's position. Blah blah copyoasta BINANCE accreditation, and it all closes with a "shrinkage" joke!! 

A clear contender for the FT anti-crypto narrative flat roof pub meat bingo prize!!  FU Westminster, FU FT.  Here we see the FT pretend to state the Treasury stance was wrong, and then go along with everything else negative possible.  Again, first world arseholes stating crypto has never been a real tool for a medium of exchange or social inclusion are just despicable, tho funny.  Go say it in Nigeria sister!! 

We love you cryptonauts but we are OUTTA HERE!!!  

Take care of yourselves, it's gonna be a long series of skirmishes!! 

Peace out, love