From Boring Stocks to DeFi

While Dave Portnoy is day trading BORING stocks, DeFi users are leveraging blockchain protocols to lend, borrow, collateralize, farm yield, arbitrage, stake, stream, and vote using programmable assets. Value/money is meant to be programmable, not kept in close loop systems so someone else has to buy it later, how boring!


Protocols like MakerDAO and Compound Finance are disrupting the financial industry as we speak. So much so that large firms like TD Ameritrade entered the Chicago DeFi Alliance to learn how to integrate these protocols into existing/new business models. Unlike traditional fintech companies who fall victim to geographical restrictions, the new wave of Ethereum protocols target a global audience.


The next blockchain hype-cycle won’t be about token price going up, it’ll be about daily active users and assets in protocols going up. If you subscribe to The DeFi Bridge you already know this though, heck you might already be farming yield (earning comp) on your digital USD in Compound while earning 11% APY. For those of you who haven’t subscribed, no worries I stay on top of what’s going on so you don’t have to!