FRIEND Token Falls as Friend.Tech Launches Crypto Airdrop

Friend.Tech, a decentralized social media platform, has launched its much-anticipated crypto airdrop

Shortly after its introduction, the FRIEND token experienced a significant price drop as the platform rolled out its latest version, Friend.Tech V2.

Friend.Tech Releases Airdrop, FRIEND Token Drops

On May 3, Friend.Tech distributed its native token, FRIEND, and introduced version 2 of the platform, featuring new additions like the Money Club. Right after trading commenced on Base, the token’s price surged to $169 but then sharply dropped to $3.26.

The biggest recipient of the crypto airdrop on Friend.Tech his entire token holdings a few hours after receiving them, sparking worries about the impact on the token’s market value. As a result, the FRIEND token experienced another decline of 52.5%, dropping from $3.26 to $1.32.

The introduction of the Money Club in V2 aims to renew interest as communities can now manage shared treasuries. Other features include customizable engagement metrics in chats to enhance user interaction. These improvements position Friend.Tech to not only increase platform usage but also regain its competitive edge in decentralized social networks.

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