Free to Play, Play to Earn Game Under The Radar

The space is filled with all sorts of NFT games promising to make you rich, but most fail to deliver mostly due to bad tokenomics or the insane expectations people have for them. This post is about Ethlas, a new project that consists of flash games you can play on your browser. Here's the thing about Ethlas - it cannot make you rich and the gameplay won't blow your mind. That didn't sell it? Okay, but there are no fees, no taxes, no initial investment and takes about a couple of minutes to be done for the day. All you have to do is play a game and you'll be ranked somewhere for the day. The next day you receive gems based on your position in the leaderboard. Different games have different leaderboards so you can test your skills on all of them. You have ten attempts for the day, five spins for a reward and you can cash out the gems in the shape of USDT voucher as soon as you reach 3$. This could take a couple of days to a couple of weeks depending on you.

I am by no means saying that this is the next big thing or that you'll be blown away, but making some quick bucks here is very easy and potentially fun considering the tiny time investment. The project is still young and the games are few, but it could easily get traction and even if it didn't, that just makes farming the leaderboard top spots easier. 

If you're going to give this thing a shot, consider using my referral code as it gives you 200 gems, half of what you need for the smallest cashout and a small boost :