Free 100 mph (~$1.5usd) and zero fee 24/7 trading

Any opportunity to get some free crypto usually grabs my attention. Some turn out to be duds, but this one has worked really well for me so far.

Morpher is a 24/7, zero-fee brokerage where you can trade not only crypto but traditional stocks as well. This is plenty exciting on its own, but what makes this opportunity even better is the ability to get 100 MPH (~$1.5USD) free when you sign up! 

This is a great way to learn a bit about trading with absolutely zero risk. And who knows, maybe you'll be able to make a bit of money while you learn! 

You can use my referral link to get your free MPH:  Get your free 100 MPH

Also, if you want more info on Morpher feel free to read their whitepaper:  Morpher Whitepaper


Happy trading!