Four out of many simple and easy ways to obtain Bitcoin and/or other Cryptocurrency

Today, I am going to cover and simplify four ways you can easily obtain Bitcoin and/or other Cryptocurrency. Please note, crypto-mining won’t be in this list because crypto-mining requires an investment of both time and money, and as many miners know It's definitely not an easy way to get Crypto.

1. first way to obtain Bitcoin and/or other Cryptocurrency would be micro tasks

Completing micro tasks to obtain Crypto usually involves doing some activity on website. For an example, First, you sign up for a service that is offering payments in your preferred Cryptocurrency. Then, you carry-out and complete tasks that are required to receive your Bitcoin and/or other Cryptocurrency payment. Examples of these tasks would be clicking or viewing ads, watching short videos, filling out surveys, downloading mobile apps, playing games, making a purchase, signing up for trial offers, spending a few seconds or minutes on the site itself, and much more. Usually, the compensation amount you get for completing these tasks are pretty low. Most are fun, but you can spend an entire day doing a variety of jobs on these sites and you earn maybe a few Satoshi's.

2. Second way to obtain Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency would be faucets

Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency faucets are websites that give away a few Satoshi’s on a regular basis, whether it's every 15 minutes, one hour, three hours or once a day. This is a very popular method of getting Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrency because you do almost nothing in exchange for free Crypto . All you have to do is sign up to a credible website and wait for your free Satoshi’s to fSatoshi’

3. Third way to obtain Cryptocurrency would be selling your skills and getting paid for them in Crypto

 Selling your skills and getting paid for them in Cryptocurrency is extremely popular right now! You can offer up and sell your services such as, freelance writing, web design, programming, social media services, and many more in exchange for your Bitcoin and/or other Cryptocurrency. There are many freelance platforms that support Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. So, if you have the right skills, this could be a gainful and relatively easy way for you to earn yourself some Bitcoin and/or other Cryptocurrency.

4. The fourth way is buying and/or trading to obtain some Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrency

This means you'll be trading your real money for Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrency. Another words, pretty much, buying cryptocurrency. But, of course, this option is only easy. If you have the money to spend. If you don't have the cash, any of the three options previously mentioned are a great and free alternative for anyone looking to get started with Bitcoin and/or any other Cryptocurrency.