Fonbnk Launches Monetization Feature for Africa’s Web3 Creators and Creator Platforms

, Africa’s leading on and off-ramp to and from Web3, is pleased to announce its Instant Merchant Feature, a free, easy-to-use payment account for creators to monetize their digital work from fans and audiences anywhere in Africa is $USDC.

With this new feature, creators set up a payment link in a single click and immediately accept as little as $0.2 USDC from millions of users from any one of Fonbnk’s 12 active markets in Africa.

Fans and audiences can tip, pay or donate prepaid airtime from any carrier to their favorite creators from countries like Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana and Uganda.

The benefit for Fonbnk instant merchants is receiving the equivalent in USDC into their merchant accounts.

To get started as a creator:

  • Sign up for an instant merchant account with one click at
  • Paste your link on your instagram, twitter, blog or anywhere for your audiences
  • Start earning $USDC across Africa

Or watch a YouTube short tutorial below:

“We are excited to launch this new feature, which will unlock potential for growth and innovation in Africa’s digital economy,” said Christian Duffus, CEO and Founder of Fonbnk at the launch of the feature at the just concluded 2023 Africa Tech Summit Nairobi Kenya.

“By enabling users to receive payments in USDC via prepaid airtime, we are providing enabling millions of talented africans monetize their crafts, creations, micro-small business across borders with instant settlement in USDC for micro amounts as little as $0.2”

Fonbnk is the leading on and offramp to and from Web3 for mobile-first cash-based economies using prepaid airtime as a medium of exchange.

The Instant Merchant feature is a significant step forward for Africa’s digital economy, providing creators, and micro enterprises with a new way to receive payments in USDC digital currency from millions of mobile first users in countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and Ghana.

Join the future of payments in Africa and unlock your potential with Fonbnk. to get started with your instant merchant account now.

About Fonbnk

See also

Fonbnk is a bridge between Africa’s builder and creator economies and the Web3 economy, designed specifically for mobile-first, cash-based economies in Africa. By using prepaid airtime as a medium of exchange, Fonbnk offers a simple and accessible way for individuals and businesses to participate in the digital economy.

