Focusing on My Hive and Leo Power Goals

In this amazing  online community of , we each have our own set of objectives and goals. No matter if you are a new or old user if this blockchain, a redfish, or an orca, most of us have set certain goals in our minds and working on them. When we think about such goals around Hive Power or Leo Power, we project a certain kind of influence that we want to grow in this ecosystem. This influence as a curator allows us to support numerous content creators on the Hive platform. Having more Hive or Leo power simply means we can offer more support to other authors here, apart from increasing our stake and influence in this platform. This influence comes from having more ownership in the community and not only it helps you to grow more wealth over time, but also helps fellow users and build a better bond.

I often see people here sharing their goals around certain  assets or tokens, mostly , Leo, SPS, Dec, etc, and also give regular updates on their progress which I find motivating. It's a way of staying on track with our goals, becoming more accountable, stay disciplined and connected. While sharing their goals and progress over time works well for many people and they find this strategy effective, I do not feel comfortable sharing such updates, mainly because I have a problem not sticking to a certain goal for too long and getting distracted with a new one often. To be honest, crypto is a wild world and every time after seeing something new, I always used to get carried away and forget my existing plan that I am working with. To rectify this demolishing behavior after losing a portion of my hard-earned money, I made a promise to myself not to get my money out of the hive forever, and even after many months, I was somehow able to stick with it promptly. I am glad about this decision as it is helping me from losing any more money on shitty projects and gladly, I am also building and growing slowly but gradually in this ecosystem. But still, as I haven't done anything amazing worth sharing apart from my decent SPLINTERLANDS card collection, I still feel shy to share anything related to goals and maybe in the future, when I'll be more mature in this matter, I will start making such goals and share regular updates on it but right now, I can't promise anything such.

Hive Power Goal

Anyways, I would like to discuss my  Power goal today as Just recently, I reached over 7000 Hive Power. Since I joined this amazing platform, I used to be focused only on Splinterlands and used to pour all my earnings into buying cards. But as time passed, I realized that I should also build a decent hive power in my account to gain some influence and also to help fellow authors just like I received help from others here. Anyways, as I know myself very well, I didn't make a complex strategy for myself rather, I just made one simple rule not to power down a single hive until I reach 10k Hive Power. When I thought about this, I had only around 3.5k Hive power in my account but right now, it has got increased to 7,131 HP and it’s needless to say that I have gained more than double my initial HP amount, and only another 3k HP away from my goal milestone, It's quite a pleasant feeling for me every time I vote someone and see my value is slightly above than a week before and I think most of you are working upon their Hive Power feel the same way, isn't it? Anyways, My goal for this year is to reach 10,000 Hive Power as I said above but having only around 4 to 5 months left in hand, I think it will be a hard task to execute, so I might decide to use the 100% power up option on some of my posts in future to boost my growth even more if that helps.

As we are still in the bear season with uncertainty in the market, I think it's crucial to hold our digital assets and try to accumulate more when the discounted price lasts. During these downturns when everything is valued way lower than their all-time high prices, I think that this is the right time for growth. As an old user in this wild crypto space, I have seen a few uptrends and downtrends and those who continued their journey in the down market are way more successful than those who left during these hard times. Another noticeable fact is that when the price of Hive gets high, there comes a sudden surge in user activity on this platform and people suddenly start coming back and becoming more active than ever for rewards. But on the other side, during the downtrend season, those who stick around have tends to accumulate more tokens because of them sitting at comparatively lower values. No doubt this helps them way more for potentially yielding higher returns in the long run.

Leo Power Goal

Now moving forward, let me now divert the focus to  Power as I am more focused than ever in this amazing community and for a long period by now. Currently, my Leo Power stands at exactly 9650 and my goal for this year is to reach at least 12,000 Leo Power by the year end. I am proud of my decision to get attached to this thriving community as not only it is helping me to get educated on financial-related topics but also helping me to grow at a better speed. I am also happy to share the fact that I am making good progress in this community and making new friends while the author rewards are helping me to increase both my Hive and Leo power gradually over time.

I used to stake my Leo author rewards back into staked and was slowly growing my Leo jar with this approach, but back in May this year, when  launched Leothreads and also conducted a huge giveaway to celebrate their LeoThreads and new UI launch, I participated and invested myself fully into the quest and to complete one the mission in that quest, I bought a good chunk of Leo from the market and powered up around 8000 Leo in that month, which helped me to increase my stake significantly. Also for those who don’t know, we have a special event that takes place on the 15th of every month known as LPUD aka Leo Power Up Day. It is an event occasion where the initiative encourages every Leo lover and participant to power up some Leo tokens depending on their strength. I have been actively participating in this event for some

Months now and no doubt, it is helping me well to build my Leo power at a better rate over time. However, during this event, Leo people tend to hold onto their tokens even more which often leads to more scarcity for this token. However, just like every month, I am already prepared for this event by setting aside around 150+ Leo tokens that I generated from author and curator rewards and will be powering them all during the event which is about to happen tomorrow. If anyone is interested in earning Leo, there's an opportunity apart from author and curator rewards to earn extra by simply just delegating Hive power to @leo.voter, which pays out rewards in the form of Leo tokens.

As for the conclusion, I would say that setting simple and practical goals that fit me personally helped me to grow both my Hive and Leo power over time without taking any pressure. If you are new or a small user of this platform and want to build yourself, I would highly recommend power-ups whatever you can. It will definitely help you get recognized over time and build an influence in the community and also to earn better rewards. However, I am not a financial advisor, so please do your research before investing. I hope you liked reading my post, see you all in my next one!