Fight the Future

"I have seen the future and it is murder." -- Leonard Cohen

Why do we have to build back better? What is better? Take a look at what people are saying -- how everything must change. Why? Why must everything change, and what is this change?

From AI running everything to the establishment of a rental society or to driverless cars, one single thread runs through the development of "new tech" -- a lack of personal, individual control. Without individual control, you will have no ownership. Without ownership, someone else controls whatever you use -- music, your car, your home, your body.

Have you surrendered owning music in favor of forever renting it?

Have you surrendered the freedom to move as you wish by not owning any mode of transportation?

Have you surrendered your body by fearing disease more than loving life?

Isn't it interesting, again, how "smart" anything means that you lose control over it? These technologies do not enable you to do anything better, but rather remove control from you entirely. Not all technology is progress. Mary Shelly warned us decades ago about the dangers of technology without conscience (Frankenstein).

The Great Reset does not benefit human liberty. As crypto enthusiasts, we need to build a bulwark now, and make sure that cryptocurrencies and their ecosystems are not brought under the thumb of global planners.

This means resistance and refusal to participate with those who would be the new slavemasters. Think, please. Do you want to be part of the new "useless class", paid by the government to do nothing, with the implication that you're too stupid, too old, too unskilled, too troublesome, too weird, too whatever to earn and learn for yourself? That is what a Universal Basic Income is -- the pittance given the slaves by the new slavemasters.

We need to fight and fight like our lives depend on it.

Liberty is too important to lose.

(Image cropped from the X-Files movie of the same name, of course.)