Features of a good pc


Laptop is an electronic device which is used to process data. It makes work easier thus reducing time wastage.

Laptops are used widely in companies, institutions and specific individuals to perform different tasks.

They are mini-computers thus portable devices, this is the reason many choses laptops more than desktops.

These devices works efficiently everywhere provided they are always kept in good condition.

Laptops are of different versions (19th century devices cannot be same as 21st ones, this is because technology is improving and thus differences in versions).

Many people have interests in new versions of these devices and so they require knowledge in the following features to ensure they have the best;

Battery life

A purchaser should select the best capacity of the battery to ensure stable working when in use.

Poor battery capacity may stress the user since it can easily lead to incompleteness of work (battery of 6000+mAh should be considered)

The best battery should last at least eight hours without being recharged.

This is another feature to be considered for the purpose of carrying. Large ones are stressing since they cannot easily slip in laptop bags.

These are ports used to export data from a laptop to other devises and can able used also to charge devices.

USB type-c is considered since many devices of today are of this type.

Laptops with enough ports should be selected to enable one use as many devices as they require.


A laptop with best and great viewing angle should be selected (OLED screen are preferred since they display better than real images).

This feature controls the speed of a laptop. The best one contains more cores that help the central processing unit to be faster.

You will find that the more cores the central processing unit has the faster it is in completing tasks.

This is determined by the pixels that a screen contains. The higher the resolution the more details you are able to view.

Most laptops of to date has (1080*1920) full HD, this is very clear when viewing details.

This is a place where data is recorded for a long term. These disks are of two drives;

  • Hard disk drive(HDD)- this spins platters that only reds and write data
  • Solid state drive (SSD) - this is the most recent one and it stores data instantly and uses memory chips.

Radom access memory

This is where a laptop stores data that needs to be retrieved quickly. It enables the processer to find data easily without involving disk drives.

It should be high depending on the processor strength (8-16GB are the best).

The task to be performed by the device should be considered to make sure that the best size of RAM is selected (software like AutoCAD requires the best).

Weight of a laptop should be checked relating to the desire of the purchaser (field laptops should be small and of less weight to ensure the user doesn’t get tired easily)
