Exorde: growing demand for content verification technologies

Nowadays the Internet is one of the most popular sources of information. It attracts people with the fact that it is quite simple and convenient to find any necessary data in it, online search takes much less time than obtaining information from any other information sources. Internet technologies are constantly evolving and replenished with new services and information resources, the audience is expanding, erasing regional, social and age boundaries.

The Internet is one of the most accessible opportunities for expressing one's opinion, expressing and publishing information on any issue. This attracts people who want to share the information they have - publications on the Internet do not require any special knowledge and skills, nor large time and material costs.

Again, all people pursue different goals - some just try to express their opinion, share their experience, others fight competitors, try to sell a particular product, take a political position. The Internet is a zone of free access, where each person can fill the information space with this or that information.

However, despite the large number of positive points, the information on the Internet is unreliable and chaotic, the justification of various statements may be incorrect, and the interpretation of facts may be distorted. There are many examples of misinformation. First of all, this problem concerns the news sphere. Recently, many have been criticizing the official media, television and radio for "one-sidedness" in the presentation of information and prefer social networks, playing the role of "word of mouth", betraying, disseminating and commenting on deliberately false information. In fact, false information is found not only in the infotainment sphere, but also in any other, including educational.

And what happens? And it turns out that information in many cases is a product that is aimed at manipulating information consumers with political, economic or any other goals. Therefore, you can not blindly trust the information received from the worldwide network. First of all, you need to learn how to exercise reliability control.

In an era of disinformation, fake news and fake videos (deepfakes), there is a growing demand for content verification technologies that can restore trust in information on the Internet.

And now it’s not effective to simply use some kind of algorithm or set of rules for checking content (fact-checking), with the advent of artificial intelligence, this task has become too complicated. After all, it is now about believing in what we see and hear online, and how to trust the raw data that informs the actions of individuals, companies and entire countries. Temporary solutions are no longer an option. Instead, you need to think about a new industry in the digital age: content verification.

There is already a surge of activity in this area. The Exorde ecosystem as a knowledge network can use the unstructured content of the Internet and perform a first-of-its-kind analysis of the virality of information circulating throughout the network. One of the necessary components in the project is the NLP artificial intelligence (AI) module, which will work with unstructured text. AI will be able to recognize objects in the text, extract sentences, facts, compare them with each other and perform similarity checks. This approach will make the joint work of ecosystem participants and AI more efficient, will allow tracking relevant and fresh information received by the network, and form a more objective opinion.

Exorde is run by its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and uses community votes and polls. Management will be decentralized among all members of the community. Collectively, they will be able to change the internal rules and parameters of the systems (rewards, limits, delays, scheduling, etc.) and will have a built-in reputation system. These mechanisms are designed to continually align the interests of the community and its governance for the benefit of Exorde.

Sooner or later, using modern technologies and blockchain technology, we will come to something like an immutable diary / journal stored in the cloud, with tracking of the origin of all content in its source. It sounds insanely attractive. Will it be easy and simple to implement? Of course not. However, content verification is a free niche these days and could be one of the next big digital revolutions.

Written by Bimevox

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