Excelencia's Daily Crypto Exploration Series-friday december 31 2021

10:30 am UTC

Snapshot taken on friday, december 31 2021 at 10:30 UTC

You get it right, taking this snapshot got me starting the third episode of :

the DailyCryptoExplorationSeries

Excelencia's Daily Crypto Exploration Series-wednesday december 29 2021

Excelencia's Daily Crypto Exploration Series-thursday december 30 2021

It is the last day of this year 2021 but I am not in a great way affected by his present in my present as we enjoy every day to the fullest without regard at his date. 

Appart from that, my best wishes for a great 2022 are for  PublishOx and each and everyone's present in this wonderfull community of addicts, mostly crypto-addicts. May I be forgiven for using the word "addicts" , I know for most of us it is pure love instead of addiction, isn't it?

It was already for al lot of time that rumours about SafeMoon came into my ears and todays green chart (Rank 1 today in price surge in the first 200 of MC tokens , it's value against the $ was 44.71% upwards, as you can see in the chart)made me convince it would be worth to spend some time on SafeMoon V2...damn I sureley have missed V1...!

SafeMoon contract has migrated from SAFEMOON V1 to SFM V2 with a consolidation ratio of 1000:1", whatever that might mean , I remember now about something similar happened with XEC( former BCHA) and which token was featured in Harry's virtual trading series - day 12


At rank 87 with an actual Market Capitalization of $1.323 B and a Volume of $5.202 M, it cannot be ignored at all!

Am I right that a VOL/CAP0.393264% is  very Little? Does that mean that there is only a very little amount of SFM token being traded today?

Don't feel obliged to answer this question , as with passing the time my wish will increase to study this fact and its meaning, "Roma non fu fatta en un giorno"...

Let me have a closer look at this SFM token:(opening the

Opening the website for me also means opening the account:


...silence at the computer, the cat on my side resting,  but inside my head a voice screaming:                                         WHAAAAAHAAH!!! 

The scream was not heard; but I confess it came for seeing the number of followers: 1.3M , (while Excelencia has 226...and wishing to have 1.3M...)

Now I can understand the Rank() and the MC() of it better, and thinking something similar being on stage with that dog, what's his name , help me ...aaah yes Shiba Inu, 


Well, how to scream now at the compu!? I think there is something huge going on with these two...don't know yet what, but today at least I could compare for the first two tokens with a huge amount of addicts or investers , winning or loosing millions, I don't know yet, but be sure I'm gonna try to be at the winning site of this, should I decide in the year 2022  to put some coins in these bags.

That was it for now already, gonna look for a GREAT NEWYEAR wishing card for all the readers of this episode...


                                 Photo  from Mina Samir at Unsplash

Thanks a lot if you came until here with your reading , hope You'll come back next year!

Have a nice day, and a very very very Happy New Year!!!

: to know which was the sixfold  aim  for starting to write this series ,you are invited to

go to the  first episode in this series I started wednesday, december 29 2021.


Thumbnail image source Art Rachen at Unsplash


Excelencia's proof of time:

start time of this article: 10:30 am UTC

end time of this article: 12:20 UTC

Time spent on writing this article: 1 hour and 50 minutes.
