Excelencia's Daily Crypto Exploration Series

Excelencia has started a new Series called: The Daily Crypto Exploration Series

The aim is sixfold: 

Not to loose time needed for writing an article by immediately start writing what is being explored at the same moment.

Improve to write immediately , without much thinking about the form and the used words and without shame of exposing my poor writing skills and lack of the appropriate vocabulary.

Inform readers about interesting projects with great use cases in different domains.

To make an experimental try to see if this series get some tractions from readers to enter daily, thus eventually leading to having more followers and getting more tips.

5.To observe for myself how much time I use on this daily exploration series ,introducing for myself " a proof of spended time"

.Improve in vocabulary richness on the run , writing immediately and then checking for words that can be better to express what I like to explain or say.


Excelencia's proof of time:

start time of this article: to put the exact hour beginning from tomorrow thursday.

end time of this article: 

Spent time on writing the article: to put the exact spent time beginning from tomorrow thursday


Today, after a good cup of black coffee, opening the Livecoinwatch screen of tokens to explore, I immediately observed a further decline of the two prinicpal tokens BTC and ETH together with the red also present in most of the top 200 coins in MC, exception made for Aragon and Quick.

Starting to explore Aragon , I already saw an interest for the future for this project , because it brings a new perspective to tokenized voting and a decentralized court, in which every human can take part and earn a reward if his personal court decision about a proposed case matches the outcome of most of the other humans decision about the proposed case.

The ANT token of Aragon raised a lot during the last 90 days:

USD12.32% USD43.43% 94.14%.


Starting to explore QUICK , the first of my interest was to notice that it is permissionless and powered by Polygon (formerly Matic Network) scalability infrastructure, thus being faster and cheaper then working on layer 1 Ethereum blockchain.

Anyone can create a liquidity pool on QuickSwap for assets mapped to the Polygon network. 

The QUICK token of Quickswap raised a lot during the last 90 days:

90D USD20.65%


That was it for today already, SeeYouTomorrow hopely ,

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