Ethereum Towers x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 16th of February

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Ethereum Towers and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 16th of February

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Greetings, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with Ethereum Towers

Let’s welcome our guest @brandon_ET

Hello welcome to Satoshi Club

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, @brandon_ET

Hey guys, thank you very much for having me! What a pleasure to be with the Satoshi Club family today

We are glad to have you here, How are you doing today?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Nice to e-meet you

I am very well, excited to share our story today!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Let’s start! Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Ethereum Towers

OK sounds good! Well, I’m part of the executive team at Ethereum Towers?—?

My role is the Chief Product Officer, so I am heading up product delivery, working with our various technolog partners, building out the vision and deliverying on key milestones

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Ethereum Towers

I actually started in this web3/crypto space as a consultant, helping established NFT projects gain their footing within Marketing and product delivery

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Wow! Nice background

Sure, we’re building out our own Metaverse protocol from the ground up. This gives us the flexibility to build a ton of utility and opportunity for our holders!

So I suppose if you want the ‘elevator pitch’;

We’re offering early adopters a chance to own a highly customisable, virtual space in our forthcoming Metaverse which aims to provide the social experience of ‘society’ living within a professionally designed space.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

this really opens up great opportunities for you

We wanted to build something different, something new and exciting, something that empowered our users to integrate with one another.


For us, it’s about replicating the society living, we put our community at the forefront of our decisions as we develop out our protocol!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Absolutely!!! Metaverses enter our life!

Agreed @GoldRocket27?—?Metaverses are just getting started!

How many people do you currently have working on this project?

You know, there has been an explosion of interest in metaverse assets over the last few months, with more and more money entering the market.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from Ethereum Towers

We have a core team of 7, with a community team of around 30 or so… and we partner with 5 different technology vendors

Yeah, it’s going to take us time, but that’s the beauty of it. We have the ability to customise that experience for our users, taking those feedback cycles into consideration and releasing an in-world experience that people actually want to use

In terms of someone interested in getting invovled in metaverse assets, we’re in the pre-prototype stage, which means our entry price reflects this. This gives those early adopters a great opportunity to be involved with us at this foundation building stage.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Tell us about the benefits of your metaverse. How is it different from others?

Great question Gold. We believe that there is a metaverse for everyone, whatever your personal taste is. Certain environments and communities will appeal to some more than others. We’re offering a different personal experience, we’re looking to build an environment that empowers the apartment owners with their ‘base’ in the metaverse, and gives them an opportunity to build relationships (both personal and professional).

For us, it’s about staying true to our core values which is about building that supporting and enriching space that users can enjoy. That’s our goal, that’s who we are.

We’re building a lot in terms of social and economic opportunity for our users, specifically our apartment owners!

This is what Building projects like this should be all about

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?

Yeah lets do it!

Q1 from Telegram User @ghostofcharmeleon

“Hello, the Ethereum Towers team.

Judging by the information from your social networks, on 19.02 you start selling apartments in the second tower. Even taking into account Floorprice, which is 0.8 Eth, it is very expensive for the absolute majority of the crypto community. Please tell me if there are any other ways to earn the ownership of apartments? If not, will it be possible to own apartments on the rights of shared ownership in the future? I have already read that there are services that allow multiple people to own one NFT.”

Great question Ghostofcharmeleon!

We’ll be launching in various phases with different entry prices (lower than 0.8eth), meaning early adopters can pick a price point that suits them…

In terms of factional ownership, that’s not something we’re looking to officially facilitate at this time, however, there have been multiplies instances where a group of users have come together and purchased an apartment amongst themselves.

On top of this, our native token (which we plan to launch in Q2) will allow an individual to have exposure to our ecosystem without owning an apartment!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Yes it does make factional participation easier

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Have you considered buying real estate?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club


Haha I was, until I learned about virtual real estate

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

What are the benefits for the owners?

To simply put it, join an exclusive community, limited supply of apartments in this exciting metaverse development, and be a part of that journey

With token earning opportunities from apartment ownership when the in-world experience launches

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Will early risers be rewarded for their contributions?

100%, various initatives are planned for those who get involved earlier…

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Please share your roadmap with us.

You can see the breakdown on our website?—? , but we also are releasing our full whitepaper this Friday!

Great.. Do share with us when it’s ready

I certainly will!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Thank you very much for sharing. Let’s wait for the release

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Thanks for your great answers

Are you ready for the next question?

Q2 from Telegram User @Ask4unik

Ethereum Towers is quite an interesting game,what interests me the most is it’s formation.Ethereum Towers features a variety of communal areas where players can explore and interact.This communal areas May have utilities such as a blockchain center where players can learn a variety of subjects relating to blockchain and NFTs.Are this learning centers available in real world or its an online Learning facility?Are this classes divided into different categories e.g The beginners classes and then the Master classes? Will there be a Specific time for classes to begin and end?What benefit awaits players who enroll in this classes?

Thanks for the question Ask4unik,

We’ll be building various utilities within these communal areas, with one of them being a knowledge/learning centre. The rationale behind this is to provide residents and visitors alike with evolving, useful information. To give you an example, we want to incorporate educational pieces around safety in web3/crypto.

These are not defined ‘classes’ but instead a self serve space that users can go to consume educational content. As we develop, we will incorporate a wider range of topics outside of the immediate web3/crypto space.

A lot of opportunity to utilise these areas in the future for good causes and education!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

this is an incredible opportunitys and use case

Yeah it’s exciting!

This is interesting as well

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Thanks for your great answer

Do you want to add something?

Or we can proceed with the next question?

Sure lets proceed

Q3 from Telegram User @JesusFre1tes

Community is at the heart of everything the Ethereum Towers team is building from what I could read. My question is, how will the Ethereum Towers team manage to develop an encouraging and supportive environment for their community to not only visit, but to help them thrive there? What is the purpose they have for their community going forward and how will they manage to integrate them to be a vital part of their platform? Thank you!

Love this question JesusFre1tes! Everything we’re building is with the growing community in the forefront of our mind. We want to develop the tools and spaces that enable those individuals to meet, converse and support each other. It may be for personal reasons, or even commercial reasons, either way the mechanics we’re looking to build are to support this.

Do you have any activities specifically targeted at building your community?

We’re partnering with various other established communities, communities with a vision and/or purpose. We have 40+ partnerships at the moment and thats growing!

Thank you for your answers

My pleasure!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Indeed, great partnership it’s really necessary

Ready to proceed now?

Q4 from Telegram User


I noticed that the main news related your Marketplace are planned for release in the second half of 2022. Could you shed some light on the main features of your future Marketplace. What and how can the users acquire there and how can it be used in the whole Metaverse? Are you planning to implement some borrowing, lending or partial sales on the Marketplace? Thank you!

Thanks for the question AnneTim!

You are correct, a marketplace is very much in our roadmap and plans! With our native token’s main utility being transacting within our ecosystem, this marketplace will facilitate this.

Building our own marketplace also gives us future opportunities to introduce user generated content easier, so for instance, if a user wanted to design an in-world asset and have it as part of the marketplace, they could.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

I know many have tried to buy your NFTs on opense and have some problems with fee

I suppose we can save users that fee on our own marketplace!

Great to have this sorted out

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

This is a great solution

Thanks for your clarification and great answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Let’s proceed with the next question?

Sounds good

Q5 From Telegram User @victorogb

With direct reference to your roadmap, especially as it concerns Q1 2022, Ethereum Towers is expected to officially launch as a project, with the Unveiling of Tower 2, start off its Metaverse MVP Production, as well as officially launch the tokenomics for its native token. Been that project is at a decent and critical stage right now, can you briefly elaborate on these plans as outlined, what would be the expected from each of them, and what is the current and expected development & implementation timelines? Can you briefly shed some light on your native token, what would be its underlining utilities? Finally, Ethereum Towers has made efforts to Launch Partnership Initiatives. Can you briefly let us know the current progress with this?

Great question Victor, a lot to unpack here. Now most of these questions will be directly answered in our whitepaper (launching in 2 days), but ill do my best to summarise here for you!

Timelines?—?we’re currently beginning our prototype production phase that will enter stress testing, which will be followed by various feedback loops, closed betas and open betas. We are looking for a late 2022 launch for the first iteration of our in-world experience (MVP)

Token?—?This token will be a tradeable asset that will be used to perform a variety of premium actions within the ecosystem. This token will be given as rewards to those players who help grow, participate and engage with the wider community through various earning opportunities.

Utilities will primarily be around creatIng and/or trading in-world assets, but it will also enable governance participation, staking, attending premium server and/or apartment events. So we’re building a lot here!

Finally, for partnerships?—?I mentioned in earlier, but we 40+ NFT/artist/Defi community partnerships and we plan on continuing growing that number.

This space is all about collaboration, and unique opportunities and perspectives come from these type of partnerships. Some of these partnerships have potential for in-world utility for the residents and visitors.

A great example of this would be Audius, who are disrupting the music industry with their platform. There is a potential for our in-world experience to integrate with their streaming platform!

So are the full details of your token ready yet?

Yeah that’s correct, they’ll be published in the whitepaper on Friday!

Supply, distribution, utility etc

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

you have made the right emphasis in partnership. this is a win-win for everyone involved

Couldn’t agree more!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Thanks for your great answers

My pleasure

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Ready for the last question of this part?

Q6 From Telegram User @Icevermithraxx

Apartment customization in Ethereum towers, players will have 3 different ways of customizing their apartments which includes Apartment structural design, in-game items furnishing and NFT showcasing. Can you elaborate on Apartments as NFTs in Ethereum towers and benefits, incentives of these Apartments to it owners? can you briefly talk on how players can earn using their Apartments? Do you have limitation to the amount of Apartments a single user can own? How can players acquire these Apartments? How can Players customize their Apartments using these three different aforementioned methods? what are the benefits of each of these customizations?

Thanks Lcever,

I’ll pick a couple of these questions, as I believe I’ve answered some already. More details will be in the Whitepaper this Friday.

Benefits of buying an apartment?—?We’re in the pre-prototype stage, which means our entry price reflects this. This gives those early adopters a great opportunity to be involved with us at this foundation building stage. There has been an explosion of interest in metaverse assets over the last few months, with more and more money entering the market.

Limitations?—?no limitations on how many apartments a user can hold, as our apartments are tokenized on the Ethereum Blockchain, we cannot govern/limit secondary transactions. With regards to our launch, we are limiting our launch with 1 apartment per wallet address.

Customisation?—?We want to give owners as much freedom and flexibility with their apartment space as possible.

It’s our job as creators to provide them with the tools to do this, so they can create a space that reflects their uniqueness. Furnishing the space with items and accessories, displaying their NFTs on the walls and display units, choosing surface textures and colours. This gives the apartment owner their chance to show their uniqueness, in their very own Metaverse ‘base’

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

I like this idea

This is impressive

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

I would like to talk about investment security. How did you take care of it?

In terms of the NFT security? Our assets are tokenized, on Ethereum, but we also do a lot of educational content for our community to ensure they’re up to date with security best practices

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

thank you very much for the information

My pleasure!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

Before starting a live chat, please share with us your useful social media links.

Thank you for your great answers so far

We will now like to proceed to the second part of our AMA

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

LIVE part is knocking! thanks for great first part of AMA

Q1 from Telegram user@Cubana10

What would it cost to own an apartment in your metaverse?

You can pick up an apartment in one of our launch phases over the next couple of months. Entry prices between 0.4/5–0.8eth (TBC)!

Q2 from Telegram user@puspa246ami

Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

Great question Puspa, 1B token supply, with a 12% pool for team, locked for 24 months… We’re here for the long haul.

Q3 from Telegram user@sophiejohnson1

Are there different benefits of owning an apartment on the ground floor or on the upper floors? And are flats on the same floor in different towers equal? Will there be any difference?

Great question! Yes, there is a benefit to having a lower floor, this plays into the token earning opportunity when we launch our in-world experience!

Q4 from Telegram user@cryptoflower13

Do you plan to take Ethereum Towers to the virtual reality level? In a way that magnifies the user experience?

We are very much desiging our in-world experience with VR at the forefront of our mind (Oculus, specifically)

Q5 from Telegram user@cadmanham_S

Do you have any plans to add more members to your team, as ambassadors or any other position?

We’re at around 30ish on the community team, spanning across all major timezones, I think we’re at a good number as it stands!

Q6 from Telegram user@cadmanham_S

COVID 19 has slowed down many economies around the world but as a crypto business, does it affect you negatively or positively? Are you still on track to achieve your goals or are you planning a new development?

Luckily, we weren’t affected by this. I actually believe metaverse and VR adopting has been expedited due to COVID and people being isolated at home. These communties are great to be a part of, and I cant wait until people can meet up in-world in Ethereum Towers

Q7 from Telegram user@Mayymi

From the road map, the fourth quarter of 2021(Q4 2021) we saw a bullet point for pre- lunch funding.How will the project be funded?

Will the investors make advance payments to the creators of these project?

Fundraising from apartment assets, token sales and marketplace royalities!

Q8 from Telegram user@Asela1112

Lance McCullers who is an american base ball pitcher has joined with Ethereum Towers metaverse already. Can you give a sneak peek about this news?

Haha you picked up on that! Brilliant, yeah we have a bunch of sports stars moving into the towers, including Lance McCullers and NBA Player Micheal Carter Williams

Q9 from Telegram user@tatarrama

You said that 2D models will not be efficient in terms of UX.Have you or will you collaborate with a software design company to create a 3D rendering of a layout map of EthereumTower?

Good question Seoyun. Check these out…

Q10 from Telegram user@cindy0666

What should I do to become an Ethereum World resident? What are the benefits of joining the various Amenity Clubs in the Towers? And is participation a must?

Well, we’re a community-focused project, so you’ll get a lot from joining and partcipating. But that said, you certainly dont have to!

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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