Ethereum Network Fees Have Gone Wild!

Well, nothing is supposed to be all roses around, the asset price have gone wild and almost beat up the $400 barrier and retreat but also problems on the network start to raise up, with more congestion that led to transaction fees to speed up and right now it's not possible to send small amounts of ETH on the network.

The fees have gone wild on the ETH mainnet and it's common to pay more than $5 to send $1 dollar away, which isn't normal on the Ethereum network which until some past weeks was one of the best places to transact small amounts of Crypto. 

It's difficult to tell why this fees have increased a lot but some smart contracts and shitcoins may be influencing this raise on the Blockchain taxes also the competition from the miners on the mainnet, now this ones are competing between them but this one could be solved with the ETH.2.0 which will make the miners share the transactions revenue fees.

Many transactions are pending on the blockchain with miners getting more richer than ever with led the congestion to happen even with transaction fees above $2 stuck in the network.

This is bad, also the Exchanges such Uniswap have raised their fees and this have turned all trading experience painful, with users paying more to swap and buying coins on the automated market maker protocol.

This is a problem that need immediate solution, Crypto transactions must be easy made and less cost effective and faster, and nothing that is registered on the ETH Blockchain right now!

I hope ETH could come sooner than expected this fees are killing us!

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