Ethereum (ETH) versus Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Both Ethereum and Ethereum classic coins support smart contracts, but that is where the similarity ends as ETH has taken a performance-based focus in its 2.0 iteration as it moves to a Proof of Stake model.

ETC is the branch of the chain that did not revert the chain, meanwhile ETH followed another course.

Another key difference is the monetary policy, while ETC has a fixed supply capped at 210 million ETC, Ethereum 2.0’s monetary policy can be changed by its developer community, according to Etherplan, a website maintained by Donald McIntyre, a former financial consultant at UBS Securities and Morgan Stanley.

To summarize, Both are crypto coins? Yes..!! Both have smart contracts? Yes..!! Which one provides me higher security? ETC..!! Which one have higher performance? ETH..!!