Ethereum Classic Labs Collaborates With Second State Inc For ETC Enhancements

Shining as one of the first incubators supporting lucrative and innovative projects on the Ethereum Classic Blockchain, Ethereum Classic Labs, has again put itself in the limelight of the financial world. Ethereum Classic Labs has entered into a partnership with blockchain infrastructure-focused platform, Second State.

As per the announcement, the collaboration aims to come up with an open-source toolchain and runtime software which will support the upcoming version of Ethereum-centered blockchains, including Ethereum Classic. By doing so, the firm plans to make ETC network the ultimate choice of blockchain enthusiasts.

The notable CEO of Second State, Michael Yuan, said that they:

Are proud to be part of the development effort to make Ethereum Classic the most technically advanced and developer-friendly blockchain in the world.

Terry Culver, CEO of ETC Labs, quoted that,

We fully support the continued innovation of smart contracts. This project will help make them more secure and more accessible to a greater number of developers, which will benefit both the ETC and ETH communities.

Second State To Evade The Current Drawbacks on Ethereum Blockchain Network

The current Ethereum blockchain doesn’t offer the much-needed tooling support for the developers. The platform relies on Solidity as its official smart contract language which is often criticized for its unfavorable security features.

The application developers expect the blockchain network to accommodate their preferred language as well. Also, the smart contract runtime on Ethereum blockchain has limited features and performance.

Second State firm in collaboration with Ethereum plans to improve the engineering and working of the blockchain module, thereby resulting in innovation in the programming language field and working ecosystem.

Earlier at the end of August, Ethereum Classic Labs made an official announcement of its partnership with iZbreaker, the social media dApp.

The announcement stated that Ethereum Classic would render its development resources expertise to iZbreaker to help in building its channel. It aims to take advantage of the social media dApp’s technical and marketing excellence to launch a new decentralized platform.

Blockchain ETC Labs Ethereum Classic (ETC)