EPNS x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 18th of January

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from EPNS and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 18th of January

Hello Dear satoshiclubbers welcome to Our AMA session with EPNS

Our guest is @JafCR

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Today our special guests from is @JafCR

Hello welcome to satoshi club

Jaf | EPNS

hi everyone!!! thank you very much for having me here today!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

How are you today ?

We are glad to have you here, how are you doing?

Jaf | EPNS

Excited and ready to start this AMA with this awesome community!

Great Let’s start our AMA

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Yes so excited, lets start our AMA

Can you introduce yourself to us how you got into crypto and how the project EPNS started?

Jaf | EPNS


Jaf | EPNS

Im Jaf?—?Operations & Business Development Lead at Ethereum Push Notifications Service (EPNS for short)

After more than 20 years working in the IT World, I ran into blockchain about 4 years ago and you know how the story goes from there

Immediately fell in love with all the amazing things happening in the web3 space, and especially with the community. And here I am today!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Oh wow 20 Years experience what a great experience and background you have

Jaf | EPNS

Now, about EPNS.

Our project?—?EPNS?—?Ethereum Push Notification Service is intended to be the standardized communication layer for all things decentralized. And what better communication channel than push notifications. Now, our day starst with an alarm, a push notification in itself and throughout the day, we stay connected to people, bank accounts, and more using push notifications.

Yeah.. very impressive

Robocop | Satoshi Club

As i remember EPNS already do 3 times AMA in here , but there are so much new user join recently, so what are new updates that you bring here ?

Jaf | EPNS

Thank you!!

And the last 4 years have been in crypto?—?it feels like 4 decades in real time

Jaf | EPNS

To finish my idea about EPNS

For us, the simple equation was to furnish this feature in a decentralized way for dApps and Web3 protocols to equip themselves with. People represented by their wallet addresses can receive notifications from Ethereum dApps, NFT marketplaces, etc using our service.

This is absolutely a great initiative

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the detail answer , btw we already prepare 6 question from our community, ready to continue?

Jaf | EPNS

Lets do this!!!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q1 from Telegram user @victorogb

Since the last notable interaction with the Satoshi Club community, EPNS has gone on to launch, integrate and roll out exciting products and services. Asides your Mainnet launch, there has been interesting developments; from the introduction of off-chain notification, to the lunch of more than 15 channels on mainnet, Collaboration with HUOBI GLOBAL and Atlantis World, Push Grant proposals and lots more. Indeed this has been some exciting times for EPNS. On the backs of this, can you carefully touch on each of this point as stated, what are their features and how have they impacted on general operations of EPNS? Also, since EPNS has successfully migrated its dApp, browser extension and mobile App to ETH mainnet, how will this impact on overall services?

Jaf | EPNS

Way to start with an awesome question

A great start

Jaf | EPNS

First of all?—?thank you for being there with us during this journey

I’m leaving here our Mainnet launch article for those who havent had the time to go over it.

https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/the-epns-mainnet-is-here-470faec0c01 Thank you for sharing this…

Jaf | EPNS

Now this has been a very busy yet super exciting time for us

You mentioned in the question the introduction of Off-chain notifs.

This is very interesting because in order to get this done we had to fiest release one very important piece of the entire ecosystem –> The PUSH Nodes.

Jaf | EPNS

For this we did release a very comprehensive article that tells how everything works!

https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/push-nodes-p2p-web3s-way-to-communicate-6a473577d173 This was key to get it done as it opens the door to many wonderful things.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Awesome! thank you! article is always a good source of info

Jaf | EPNS

Now, about the collabs

it has been incredible the feedback and support from the community and other protocols

We have had a lot of interest, and while we have 15 channels available right now there are more coming.

As you stated we have many collabs with many interesting teams in the space. From DeFi, Metaverse, Marketplaces, Identity, etc

Can you mention some of these names?

Jaf | EPNS

and finally?—?how to receive notifications?

We have our Mobile App in the 2 flavors: iOS + Android

The Chrome Browser Extension

And our dApp

Also, services can implement notifications on their dApps as well to show you notifications that matter to you

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Yes, i see Atlantis World, what collaboration did you do ?

Jaf | EPNS

Good question

We reached out to them as we are big fans of Atlantis and Metaverse projects.

And usually this conversations are really great. These are candid conversations where we identify great fit for notifications, and thats how our collabs start

Jaf | EPNS

Thank you for your answers

Ready for the next question?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks for the answer, shall we go to next question?

Jaf | EPNS

Go go go!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q2 from Telegram user @Cheriemike

According to what i read in your whitepaper,you said that hackers or other malicious groups or organisations may attempt to interfere with $PUSH and/or the EPNS protocol in a variety of ways including malware attacks, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks etc You also said there is a risk that a third party or a member of the Company, the Distributor or their respective affiliates may intentionally or unintentionally introduce weaknesses into the core infrastructure of $PUSH and/or the EPNS protocol, which could negatively affect $PUSH and/or the EPNS protocol.So how do you intend to prevent malicious persons and hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in your smart contract design?Do you have a bug bounty program in place so that users can help out in revealing any potential flaws?How will you rate the trust among your team members are they individuals you know personally and trust?Please explain Thanks

Jaf | EPNS

wow?—?great questions!

Jaf | EPNS

So, being an open permisionless protocol the risks will always be there.

That part of the beautify of the Web3 space

Yes?—?teams could potentially be at risk of hacks, but at the same time teams will also be exposed to a world of collaborators trying to do good things.

Btw what audits have you done to ascertain that this risked are minimised?

Jaf | EPNS

we do have as a part of our ecosystem and entire game theory various mechanisms that allow us to counter this.

In this case one very important one is SPAM Controls.

SO basically if you

Being a decentralized network we cannot really take an arbitrary decision and ban or block someone, and at the same time we know bad actors will try to come and try to break or game the system… and this is why we decided to implement and keep a SPAM score.

Jaf | EPNS

What it does? after it reaches a certain level or score it will start to throttle all the notifications that a channel can send out. And this is our penalization theory #1 where if a channel is doing something by mistake they will realize they are being throttled and will pivot into good behavior… if they don’t > SPAM score will continue increasing until they cannot send notifications.

To decrease SPAM score there are a lot of variables to take in consideration with time is a crucial factor . It goes to a very long time if the spam score is too high. For instance a channel that decides to play bad and dont want to switch to good behavior.. that channel will not be able to send notifs in a long time. This is penalization #2

This will be an algorithmic approach towards implementing good SPAM and throttling mechanisms.

Jaf | EPNS

And finally yes, we have performed audit over our contracts two times already.

You can ready more about it here:

https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/roadmap-q3-audited-epns-push-protocol-v1-is-here-f4560dfe550cRobocop | Satoshi Club

I think the SPAM score is new mechanism right? that will be great

Jaf | EPNS

I mentioned all this, as we are taking measures from many different angles to ensure robustness and reliability of the protocol!

Jaf | EPNS

Great question. Thank you very much

The SPAM score is indeed an innovative way of controlling spam great Job

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks for sharing, , i think we already know EPNS is safe

Which is very important

Jaf | EPNS

one last thing….

We have a community favorite?—?our Rockstars of EPNS

https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/kicking-off-the-epns-nft-community-drops-6a5c49808cf there are many ways to participate?—?including if you have bug reports, integration guides, and more!

Jaf | EPNS

ready for next questions!

Great Opportunity to get NFT Guy’s

Let’s do it

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q3 from Telegram user @UniqueVicky

To facilitate the adoption of the protocol and to provide value to services, EPNS is currently building product suite of EPNS to catalyse the adoption growth namely, EPNS mobile app, dAPP, EPNS infra(Push service),showrunners, Js library. Can you summarize the functions and features of these products and how they will help facilitate the adoption of the protocol. What advantages will your community members get from these products? Will there be any requirements to access these products more expecially your mobile app? Can you put us through as per the current building state of these products?

Jaf | EPNS

great question!

Jaf | EPNS

there are many more new functionalities coming, and we’ll publish information about them very very soon with our Roadmap 2022 article release.

As I meet with many teams in the space, part of what we do is learn from them what they need, and also from the community through our various channels.

Jaf | EPNS

Giving the community & users more alternatives to enjoy receiving notifications is a must for us.

We have been working hard on our SDKs so we allow builders in the space to get creative and come up with solutions.

And while we are building ourselves all the componenents mentioned above, we expect 3rd party developers to start bringing a lot of innovation

Jaf | EPNS

part of the benefits that you as a user will see is how your wallet will become more and more a 1-stop-shop for all your web3 needs.

A wallet will no longer be a wallet and a browser, but receiving notifications directly on your wallet will represent a huge step forward for user adotopn and user experience

And all products we are working on dont have any access rquirements

Jaf | EPNS

expect more news coming very soon once we release the roadmap.

Talking about your SDK what are some of its features?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Oh wow !, do EPNS can work for all kind of wallet to receive notification ? or there must be a requirement for a wallet?

Jaf | EPNS

Cool follow up question!

so I mentioned the SDK precisely because it opens the doors for teams and people to design and create solutions.

we are talking about:

– frontend-SDK

– backend-SDK

– MobileApp-SDK

and the idea is that they will allow implementers to add notifications and other services that you can currently see on our dApp, but on their own dApps and Mobile Apps

Jaf | EPNS

so your product can start using EPNS as a building block to always stay in touche with their user bases

Jaf | EPNS

Notifications drive engagement. And this means an increase in user retention, and in user engagement.

Jaf | EPNS

Thank you for your answers

Ready for next question now ?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the detail answer, lets continue to next question

Jaf | EPNS

I am?—?lets go!!!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q4 from Telegram User @iceVermithraxx

The EPNS Protocol is a group of smart contracts that enables Validation and Governance through “EPNS core” and communication through “EPNS Communicator Smart contracts, and understanding these two components of the EPNS Protocol is critical as Push Nodes interact with them to Enable Decentralized Communication. Can you elaborate more on the two components of EPNS protocols: EPNS core and EPNS communicator? Can you also explain on the functions of the EPNS core and the EPNS communicator and how they work to ensure the smooth running and functioning of the EPNS Protocol? Lastly, can you explain on how the Push Node interacts with the EPNS core and EPNS communication to ensure a decentralized Communication?

Jaf | EPNS

So, I know I just shared this article a few mins ago

But it has 1 of the most clear explanations about this ,https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/push-nodes-p2p-web3s-way-to-communicate-6a473577d173 —?—?— -

Now this picture is great to answer this question

So to try to put this in simple terms:

EPNS Core is where all the Core functionalities and channel heavy lifting occurs. And it resides only in Ethereum

the Communicator is in charge of more lightweight operations more related to sending notifications, users opt-in, and delegation to other wallets.

Perfect Illustration

Jaf | EPNS

The PUSH nodes in themiddle (see the picture above) is the central piece that allow EPNS Notifications to work.

and they will be able to be run by anyone in the future. Is a network of validator nodes with the main purpose of retrieving and dispatching notifications among other functions.

Jaf | EPNS

But has all this Technical stuffs been built already ?

Jaf | EPNS

we are fully functional right now

Jaf | EPNS

we even put a POC on SOlana last year for the Solana breakpoint conference!

Awesome.. so who runs the PUSH nodes at the moment?

Jaf | EPNS

for now we are running the nodes, as we need to ensure that everything is sound before we start adding more into the mix.

Our team is consistenly monitoring usage, performance, and other metrics to ensure not only great functioning, but also opportunities for improvement.

This is also going to be covered in much more detail with our Roadmap 2022 release very soon!

Jaf | EPNS

Thank you for your answers

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for detail answer, its clear for me.

Ready for the next question?

Jaf | EPNS

lets do it

Robocop | Satoshi Club

lets go to 5th question

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q5 From Telegram User @Rozielyna

I read from your white paper that Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS) is a blockchain protocol that enables services to communicate with its users (wallet addresses) in a decentralized way. I love the fact that The DeFi aspect of theprotocol ensures the notifications are incentivized i.e. users will also be receiving token incentivesfrom the notifications. Can you tell us more about this token incentives ? How can users of EPNS earn the token incentives? Can this token incentives also be earned by Channels and services? Thank you

Jaf | EPNS

Awesome question

Incentives is something we are taking the time to design carefully and add more streams for users and services.

As mentioned with the precious question, once PUSH nodes are open to more participants it will also come with incentives attached to it.

Grants Program is also going to play an important role, as it will enable more players to jump into developing solutions and get incentives.

The incentivization of receiving notification enables users to not only control what information they receive from dApps and Web3 protocols but also monetize them. We believe this feature has acted as a huge funnel of user intake for our platform. This also helps in rewarding users for their loyalty and trust in the platform.

And in general $PUSH as a token comes packed with things that we built into the token itself, such as usage mining and in the future: fee split

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Could you please share the tokenomics of $PUSH with us ?

Jaf | EPNS


let me just link our article here for everyones reference

https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/announcing-the-epns-push-token-generation-event-4d1699e716f5Jaf | EPNS

Thank you for sharing this as well

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for sharing, its clear for me. let’s go to last quesstion from part 1?

Jaf | EPNS

sure, lets go!!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q6 From Telegram User @Modrumz120

You mentioned that $Pushtokens are used to control various core functionalities of the EPNS protocol, Can you please tell us, What are these various core functionalities and what are the benefits these core functionalities provide to users as they use the $Pushtokens to trade in the EPNS eco-system? You also mentioned that users are restricted to making few mentioned decisions, am curious to know, are there any decisions which the $Pushtoken holders are free to make on the EPNS protocol? Lastly you mentioned that the right to vote does not entitle $PUSH holders to vote on the operation and management of the Company. Can you please tell us the reasons for these?

Jaf | EPNS

Great question!

So, $PUSH is our governance token, and the name makes a lot of sense because of our protocol name “Ethereum Push Notification Service”.

Jaf | EPNS

As I was saying, it comes packed with things that we built into the token itself.

Being the 1st we had to make sure we designed a Game Theory that works for all participants in the ecosystem in a way that everyone wins independently of their role. $Push enables us to do that as it carries a lot of incentives including its own version of liquidity mining?—?that we call USAGE MINING.

This way we can incentivize 3rd party developers to build useful notifications on top of the protocol and they will get these tokens. This is the 2nd use case of $PUSH

The 3rd use case is FEE SPLIT: We want this to be integrated with METAMASK or trust or whoever has a wallet.we identified that for this to have a huge network effect, we need to integrate the EPNS PUSH

If these crypto wallet integrate the protocol then through governance they can submit proposals like “hey Im bringing 1M users to the notifications network?—?which means I can take 20% fees generated by the protocol”?—?and if governance passes they can take that.

Of course because token holders are going to be governing everything, we have some great rewards for them in all 3 uses cases. And thats the game theory around $PUSH.

This way we ensure that whoever participates in the ecosystem have good incentives to support the protocol

So have you set any minimum required amount of holding before users can participate in your Governance?

Jaf | EPNS

Impressive that means everyone can be a part of this

Jaf | EPNS

Actually there are many ways to participate in governance

If people trust you to represent their ideas and values, you can also become a PUSH DELEGATEE and have a voice in governance

Jaf | EPNS



Robocop | Satoshi Club

oh thats great !

Thank you for your answers in this first part

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks for your detail answers,

it has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA

We will like to proceed to the second part of our AMA where our members will ask you their questions directly

Are you ready for them?

Jaf | EPNS

lets go!

Chat will be opened for 120 secs

Robocop | Satoshi Club

lets go !

Q1 from Telegram user @Sourava12

Would You please brief me With the pain points that Web3.0 services currently have and What are the Distinguishing and Outsatnding features of the EPNS that Makes it Best among others ?

Jaf | EPNS

The main problem is: currently a Web3 notification mechanism doesnt exist. We happen to be at the right place at the right time with our solution.

Whats the impact?

 As I mentioned: Notifications drive engagement. And this means an increase in user retention, and in user engagement.

So, to give you an example:

 Usually when we start talking about use cases like in DeFi , one of the first things that comes to mind is to get notified if your assets are in risk.. maybe your loan is close to being liquidated and you want to add more collateral to avoid this from happening.

But also what if there are new farms? changes in APYs?

You want to notify your user base not only about situations where an immediate action is required, but also when there are opportunities.

Q2 from Telegram user @keskesislife

Push Delegator, Push Champions, Push Nominee, and Push Delegetee are all examples of Push Delegators. Could you explain EPNS Governance in more detail? Could you elaborate on each of these four EPNS governance roles? What roles can users play in EPNS governance, and what are their responsibilities?

Jaf | EPNS

We aim for a progressive decentralization process for EPNS Governance. In the first iteration, the community will be able to make proposals and vote on following categories:

  1. Weekly ROCKSTAR Proposals
  2. Meta-Governance
  3. PUSH Grants Program (Exciting news coming up. Stay tuned!)

In the Phase 0 of EPNS Governance, the proposal lifecycle is followed up through a Discourse Forum (http://gov.epns.io/) where all the community members would be able to create proposals, signal their interests on proposals and later to a Snapshot Space (https://snapshot.org/#/epns.eth There are 4 major roles in EPNS Governance

  1. PUSH Nominee
  2. PUSH Delegatee
  3. PUSH Holders
  4. PUSH Champions

To know more about governance processes and proposal lifecycle, refer this medium article?—?https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/epns-governance-goes-live-lets-push-for-progressive-decentralized-governance-7448b58b89b4Q3 from Telegram user @barisbektas1

What problem does EPNS solve in today’s DeFi market, which projects want to solve but cannot? If there are success examples of EPNS, can you share with us? Why will a project need EPNS?

Jaf | EPNS

We have many integrations with many of the most improtant protocols in the space.

 to give just a few use cases:

  • Loan liquidation notifications with a call to action that with 1-click you can go fix your loan so you don’t risk your assets.
  • Loans coming due or loans up for voting
  • Expiration dates of contracts
  • Observing vaults collateralization rations.
  • Governance proposals for Defi protocols

Q4 from Telegram user @emmy066

Do you think users will perceive and accept the EPNS platform for its intended purpose? Will users be obliged to learn compulsory? Will they be able to open / close when requested?

Jaf | EPNS

It will not be compulsory. But nowadays when people wake up most likely they will have notifications waiting for them on their phones. This is our reality. No one is expecting to go fetch information by themselves… everyone expects information to come to them.

 So more and more, this will become the standard in the web3 space. As we are all used to information coming to us, and that where we are headed to

Q5 from Telegram user

I read that you offer an important solution for web3, but is this solution really for all types of users? or just for crypto experts and developers?

Jaf | EPNS

This solution is ready and fully functional for everyone!

If you are a Service wanting to establish an effective communication channel with your audience?—?EPNS got your back!

 If you are a user wanting to always be informed of your operations in the crypto space with DeFi platforms, services like ENS, marketplaces, NFTs, Metaverse?—?EPNS got your back!

Q6 from Telegram user @Murthy_Rajpaksha

As $ROCKSTAR NFT is being awarded to a Community memeber,

Will this giveaway going to be forever?

What are the other ways to get these $ROCKSTAR NFTs?

Jaf | EPNS

Again linking the article here:

https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/kicking-off-the-epns-nft-community-drops-6a5c49808cf It will not last forever 

Its a 52 week event distributing this reward 1x/week.

There are many ways to participate. Don’t miss your opportunity!

Q7 from Telegram user @adaatalay

As an investor, it’s nice to be notified of changes in a volatile market like DeFi. So, when I link my wallet to you, will I be able to receive INSTANT NOTIFICATION regardless of the blockchain (BSC, Polygon etc.)?

Jaf | EPNS

We have many channels up & running already

To subscribe to any of the channels on @epnsproject, follow these simple steps

app.epns.io ?—?Browse the channels list or search for one using the search bar 

?—?Find the channel you are looking for 

?—?Click on “opt-in”

There are many DeFi channels already including price trackers for BTC and ETH, ETH Gas price trackers, Crypto Volatily Index (CVI) and more

Q8 from Telegram user @wayne454

What are the fast-growing plans in terms of users, global markets and partners?

Jaf | EPNS

One of our main focus currently is in developing more collaborations with many protocols in the space.We have been getting a lot of traction in many fronts. Aside from DeFi, Governance also comes with many interesting use cases. Services, Content Producers, newsletters, and more

More NFT and Metaverse projects is also something we are getting more and more traction.

Q9 from Telegram user @Clint_25

I saw that have EPNS products which is;

Mobile App

 EPNS Infra


 JS Library

Have you already published any of these products? Could you explain how each of the EPNS products works?

Jaf | EPNS

All this products are live and working.The MobileApp can be downloaded from the 2 major stores: AppleStore and Andriod PlayStore. The Chrome Browser Extension is available publicly in the extensions from chrome.

Our Showrunners and JS libraries repos are publicly available, and they will be updated very soon to the latest and greatest version that we have running in PROD right now.

Q10 from Telegram user @isabella_blackk

Are you going to host EPNS only on the ETH network as the name suggests? Will you be working on other blockchains, do you plan to provide consultancy or guidance to blockchains other than ETH?

Jaf | EPNS

We Love Ethereum , we started there, and will always have a special place in our hearts ,but we realize and acknowledge the need to participate in all other chains. Hence, we focused a lot of our energy and efforts in ensureing we are a cross-chain platform agnostic solution.

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/ Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/ Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/https://esatoshi.club/Our partners:

https://t.me/epnsproject Medium –https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-servicehttps://epns.io/https://twitter.com/epnsproject