Ep.3.1 - About hyperloop and blockchain


Welcome back to a new episode of Cryptoworld, the article-based series about blockchain implementations in the current world ??

Today we'll cover one of the most exciting topics about the future of transportation: the hyperloop.

But what is exactly?

By definition, coming from Wikipedia, is a "proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX." and can be seen as a capsule that travels in a tube under pressure with very low friction. Has been widely recognized as a potentially disruptive innovation in the world of transportation for the high-speed limit, slightly over 1'200 km/h theoretically, and the cost/mile currently estimated between 60 and 80MLN$.

Let me include some pictures (mix of real and renders) to give you something visual:

While writing this article I was focusing on the Hyperloop future coin, but I realized it made no sense. The real core of this reasoning is the value that blockchain has in the whole innovation process: without it, the concept would not make sense at all. All the hyperloop's MVPs available today are heavily based on automation and without a new technology such as blockchain none of them would make sense because the tech required behind would be way too expensive, slow and easily outdated.

Based on what Bibop (also known as Gabriele Bibop Gresta) made public a few years ago, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, the first-ever registered trademark about hyperloop, is entirely based on automation, from the tech philosophy to the implementation. And is also the key aspect that will produce business viability since will mostly impact area such has pricing and user experience, two of the most important factors in transportation in customers behaviours.

Good words for now, but how???????????

A level of automation so deep, as guaranteed from the blockchain, will give the possibility to create smart systems able to mix a lot more variable from the environment and use them properly without human intervention and impact the price of tickets almost in real-time (if not in real-time at all but I honestly doubt it will be made at the beginning of the tech development). If on Monday we are generating too much CO2 and we can't go over a certain limit because our world will not be able to absorb it, the pricing will reflect also that. But let's focus on the change of user experience of the travel, what I consider the real game-changer.

Based always on what Bibop stated, the hyperloop technology and companies are going to be able to eliminate 8 out of 10 steps necessary before going to the airport, always using the power of blockchain and also using smart algorithms that will identify people and match their personas with predicted necessary services, thus making the travel way easier from the mental point of view and letting people and goods moving easier, cheaper and faster. Could sound somehow creepy, but the data will be stored using always blockchain so the privacy security would be seriously reduced if not destroyed at all, at least from what he states. I don't have a precise opinion yet and I won't digress on this point during this article.

Hyperloop coin???

Only rumors, for now not much is real but the HTT company already protected the name. This move was probably made to avoid potential scams and marketing tricks as usual, but also to prevent other people from stealing the name and create something while the company is not ready. They will most likely use it, even if in the beginning the payment systems will accept other crypto for sure, and we hope that is going to be governed by great rules aligned with the technology purpose.

Thinking bigger??

I don't stop my positive thinking to hyperloop itself. The whole ecosystem will be based upon automation and will empower a lot of new innovation, from the materials used for the capsule to the material used for binaries, gates, seats and so on. Apparently, the HTT is already innovating something like 14 fields all together like it happened for the launch of Apollo 11.


Thanks for the attention and the time taken to read this article ??

I'll most likely follow up with additional articles focusing on smaller aspects of hyperloop, thumbs up if you agree!??

Please feel free to comment with your opinions, thoughts and whatever comes up to your mind. If you need more info don't hesitate to reach me for additional info or just a good conversation about the topic.

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