EOS's Everipedia Is Moving Into DeFi With New Prediction Market

Everipedia, a Wikipedia-like encyclopedia built on the EOS blockchain, says that it is building a more general DeFi Platform.

With PredIQt, we are building an all-in-one DeFi platform for earning and investing. Everipedia will no longer be known as a single dApp, but instead will be a unified entity and will be rebranded as Everipedia+PredIQt to better tackle this mission.

This expansion will begin with PredIQt, a prediction market platform.

[PredIQt] offers full prediction market functionality with even more features than Augur currently. Users can create, participate, and resolve markets, all of which are powered by the IQ token.

The airdrop for the IQ token distributed tokens to over 160,000 users, according to Everipedia. The IQ token will also be issued on multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, BINANCE Chain, and possibly Pokadot.

Prediction markets such as PrediQt allow users to place bets on real-world events, such as elections, sports matches, and more.

The model was popularized by Augur in 2018.