Engine (ENGN) - Unique Bridging Protocols Bringing Games Onto the Blockchain

PRESS RELEASE. A new wave of blockchain games is sweeping the industry. Play-to-earn titles and GameFi platforms showcase the immense potential and could reveal themselves as the next big trend in crypto.

However, apart from probably Axie Infinity, most blockchain games have failed to gather the appeal of the masses. Elegant solutions to implement blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and DeFi functionalities into games are needed for the space to grow.

Fortunately, several blockchain protocols are being developed and improved to disrupt the traditional gaming industry.

Fast-growing industry

While crypto markets have been struggling in terms of price action, user metrics showcase that blockchain gaming is now more popular than ever.

Not only are established gaming studios like Atari investing in the crypto space through their token and NFT collections, but we are also witnessing vital players from the traditional gaming industry jump ship.

At the beginning of the year, Ryan Wyatt left his position as Youtube’s head of gaming to join the Polygon network. Other significant developments include the new GameStop NFT marketplace powered by Loopring, Immutable raising $200 million to develop blockchain gaming and Krafton. This studio created the cult-classic PUBG video game, partnering with Solana Labs.

While most gaming projects are built on the Ethereum network, there is fierce competition between several layer one and layer two protocols to conquer a larger piece of the blockchain gaming market.

Simplifying game development on the blockchain

Engine (ENGN), a revolutionary new GameFi protocol, brings game developers and studios an advanced toolset that enables easy integration of blockchain features into games.

Through Engine’s proprietary set of smart contracts, sold as a software service, both indie and mainstream gaming studios can make in-game economies more vibrant. The Engine enables seamless integration of NFTs and play-to-earn mechanics into existing games.

Further integration into the ENGN Arcade gaming library is also possible, offering retro and new games an opportunity to find new audiences while enjoying the benefits of blockchain integration.

An extra element of security and transparency is possible by uploading data from the game servers onto the ENGN blockchain. When registered on the blockchain, relevant in-game scores, stats, and achievements become immutable, preventing hackers and other bad actors from cheating.

Bringing “gaming” into blockchain gaming

Blockchain games have little actual “game” in them. Most of them are decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols disguised as games, offering yield farming and other staking services under a gamified user interface.

While strategy and card games enjoy a certain level of popularity, the gameplay is still far from the quality of mainstream AAA titles. The Engine is preparing its first in-house release as a significant blockchain gaming hit on April 10th.

Featuring fast-paced gameplay, Strix 2085 is a third-person shooter similar to Fortnite. The game uses the latest version of the Unreal Engine to achieve one of the most beautiful blockchain games to date.

Backed by beautiful art direction, maps and character models are carefully designed and rendered with high-quality textures and details. Strix 2085 will allow players to pick various swords, knives, explosives, drones, and weapons to participate in combat.

Strix 2085 also features battle royale and several other multiplayer modes, where players can test their skills in various natural, urban, and alien-like environments. The first play-to-earn title with a scheduled release on PC and the latest consoles, PS5 and Xbox Series.

A summer reveal of Strix 2085 will be made this summer, giving gamers the first sneak peek into the magnum opus created by the Engine team.

To learn more about the Engine ecosystem and the imminent launch of its first in-house game, follow them on social media.