Elrond NFTs: 6 Women You Should Be Watching

It has been a pleasure watching the Elrond NFT space unfold over the last few months. Several wonderful artists are now finding a new home and sharing their work with us on the block chain. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to look at new art every day now. If you have been sleeping you may have missed out on some of the most interesting work that I have seen in a long time. Here is a brief introduction to 6 up and coming artists to get you caught up.

After graduating from art school as a video artist with high honors, Sjattie found a new love in drawing with ink and etching. She is now giving new life to her earlier work in the NFT space on Elrond. She will be launching a website in the near future to be a home for all of her work and in the meantime has begun releasing some of it on eMoon.

Her two current collections are Hidden Secrets is further broken down into sub collections, Hidden MonstersHidden Beauty. If you look closely you can see the drawings of her first collection inside of her second, or as she puts it the collection is like the skeleton for Hidden Secrets

Here are some selections from Hidden and it's sub collections:

Hidden Genesis

Hidden 07

Hidden 05

Hidden 01

Hidden Beauty

Hidden 22

Hidden 24

Hidden Monsters

Hidden 16

Hidden 15

At the moment 25 drawings are circulating with more to come in her upcoming second collection.

NFTMarketplace: DeadrareIsengard In the spirit of the whale badges found in the Maiar Wallet app and in the excitement of the emerging NFT space on Elrond, Vale decided to get involved and create Whaley for the Elrond community. Vale taught herself the process of generative art collections from scratch. Everything. She hadn’t even drawn anything with a PC before this project. She learned everything from ground up from drawing to the generative process itself, and ultimately minting them all and launching a presale before any marketplace had even been developed.

Whaley #442

Whaley #323

Whaley #199

Now, you can find her in the Whaley discord doing monthly giveaways for Whaley holders. Every month holders receive the benefits such as exclusive contests and giveaways. In the near future there will even be an airdrop from a new Baby Whaleys NFT collection to current holders.

whaleynft.comvalem997WhaleyNFTs Discord:

Trust Market: whaleys-24a32a

Eremia Maria

Maria recently began her work in the Elrond NFT space by launching the Elrond Girls collection. A generative collection “ready to inspire more girls to join the crypto space.”

eGirl #604

eGirl #598

eGirl #1095

She did all of the design work for this intriguing collection and is now working on two airdrops one for eGirls and one for eMonkeys. First holders of eMonkeys will receive a eGirls will receive a special banana NFT,

and first 6000 holders of eGirls will receive a Nano Bot, those little robots that appear in the eGirls collection. These however will have many more colors and traits. Future collections in the works may even include some eBoys for these girls…

EremiaMaria9ElrondGirls Discord: Trust Staking Trust Market: EGIRL-443b95 Elva is busy at work creating a sprawling universe that covers stories, illustration, comics, and eventually even animation. Elva Forest is an adventure fantasy Saga, jam packed with drama, friendship, betrayal, characters development, love, hatred and mystery. Currently we can watch the stories unfold on her Medium page with extraordinary artwork illustrating each one.

Chapter 7 — Snow Falls

Rough hessian fabric grazing Rei’s face woke him. He felt like his eyes had been closed just a moment before, but the heat of the day made it feel like much time had passed. Rei lay prone, tied to the back of a horse.The hessian sack secured by a cord around his neck. Rei could make out only the shadowed forms of horses and men travelling in front of him. He could hear the murmurs of men riding far in front, but could not make out any words.

Her NFT collection consists of characters from this ongoing series.

To her followers she wished to say:

“I wish to thank every single supporter for helping the Elva Team bring forth a Saga that can live forever on the Elrond Blockchain, and in everyone's heart.”

Her roadmap includes a royalty distribution back to holders, an airdrop of an ebook, special characters, merch, 3d characters, and a comic and animation in the future. She is currently waiting for the launch of the Maiar marketplace and is holding initial resales privately. Holders of 4 or more NFTs will get a special airdrop, and one more for every additional 4. Contact her for details on how to take advantage of the discounted presale.

Medium: Elva Forest Telegram: ElvaNFT Official Group Iulia is an illustrator who has several books under her belt. Lucretzia has always been her favorite character, almost an alter ego and she would go so far as to add little Lucretzias to all of her works as a hidden signature.

Lucretzia’s Toolkit for the Broken Hearted is her first foray into the NFT space and this initial collection includes 16 different scenes (minted in 20 editions) plus a hidden one (minted in 10 editions).

She aims to make Lucretzia a well respected and recognized character in the Elrond NFT space and then grow out to the mainstream. Her universe is richer than it seems at first and soon you will see more of it. There is already another full story ready to be told in the first part of 2022

The Lucretzia team is focused heavily on collaborations with other Elrond NFT artists and is currently running a massive scavenger hunt giveaway for Christmas that includes NFTs from several different projects for whomever can win the contest. You should really check out the link if you haven't seen what they has in store for you. You do not want to miss this.

Iulia aims to make Lucretzia a household name and I for one can see the potential. There is much more to come from this artist for sure, even a physical book that comes complete with a black ceramic broken heart. I would personally love a copy or two for gifts.

LucretziaArt Telegram: Official Chat Trust Market: LUCRETZIA-a11079

Amanda Devik

Amanda Devik is a force of nature. Coming from the NFT scene on Ethereum she is not building onto her ever expanding universe with a new collection on Elrond. She now has three main brands and four major collections with tons of collars and a discord and Gather.town space to tie them all together and long term plans to include a full metaverse experience with cross chain interoperability as soon as she can connect with devs.

All of her pixel art is the result of hours of detailed work, which she often broadcasts live on for anyone who would like to join in on the fun. You can also frequently find her on Twitter hosting spaces. If that doesn’t already sound impressive, wait until you see her collections, all of which are related and part of the same larger story.

Witchy Things

Witchy Things consists of Magical MintsMagical Antiques. Quite the collection of questionable curiosities, Magical Antiques consist of the wyrd whatnots, nebulous knick-knacks, and ostentatious oddities found in the Humphrey’s mystical shop. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Flying Key

A bit of buzz is created amongst the eager customers as Witches and Warlocks test out this Enchanted Flying Key. They fearfully let go as they are jerked violently towards the door.:: "I dunno, Dendry, most people are afraid it will lead somewhere terrible! We need someone BRAVE to solve the Mystery of where it goes!”

Dark Matter Spirit

This poor soul was blasted with Dark Matter when it's mortal life came to an end.

Humphrey got it in a trade from the Warlock that trapped it in an enchanted bottle. He doesn't have any idea what to do with it, so he put it on display at the shop in the off chance someone else might!

Magical Mints

Magical Mints on the other hand are sold by Poppi in her Potion shop. (You know, there’s something I really love that name bit I can’t quite put my finger on it.) She accidentally invented the mints while brewing her potions and is now the talk of all the Warlocks and Witches of Spektral City.

Double Trouble

A Double is produced! Your mirage is the exact image and likeness of you, and dark magic allows for independent control of each likeness. This is particularly helpful for alibis, setting up dual citizenship, or other nefarious objectives.

Curse Magic Mint

The CURSED Magic Mint allows the consumer to CURSE an object or being. Only suitable for Black Magic users.

Mages of Conjured Lands

A generative collection with every aspect pixeled by hand by Amanda consisting of 10,888 total pieces; 3000 Good Mages 3000 Evil Mages 4000 Neutral Mages and 888 Special Mages including customs, giveaways, quest characters, tributes, and honoraries. A unique aspect of this project is the ability to choose your alignment at mint.

Mage of Conjured Lands #94

A neutral Mage of Conjured Lands, known as Prodigy Mage

Mage of Conjured Lands #940

A good Mage of Conjured Lands, transformed through time and magic into an ethereal

Mage of Conjured Lands #3953

An evil Mage of Conjured Lands, transformed through time and magic into a death defier

The breadth of the variety in this work has to be seen first hand. Mages are given special channels in the Discord and Gather spaces with an upward goal to eventually make them playable characters in the Metaverse, with cross-chain interoperability and even able to interact with her new project on Elrond, eGold Elves.

eGold Elves

The Elves evolved in a protected realm similar to Conjured lands with traits specific to the geography where they developed. Each Elf is

eGold Elf 25

eGold Elf 14

eGold Elf 5

Amanda has recently been working on branching out in collaborations with other Elrond NFT projects and has her eye on several more. Looking forward to seeing how all of this continues to develop.

Yavanna, Queen of the Ents

Ents, also known as (Tree-host) by the Elves, were a very old race of Middle-earth. They were apparently created at the behest of YAVANNA Elven Queen and lover of all that grows from the earth

Elven Ranger Galen

This eGold Elf was created especially for the @LucretziaArt puzzle through Twitter. Solve all of the clues to figure out the seed phase to the prize vault! #FreeLucretzia !

Amanda DevikConjured LandsWitchy ThingseGold Elves Discord: Conjured LandsConjured Lands (Both Discord and Twitch are also home to her other collections as well)

Open Sea:

Conjured LandsMagical MintsMagical Antiques Mint a mage at ConjuredLands.comeGold Elves:

Available on IsengardDisclosures: I hold NFTs from Sjattie, Iulia, and Elva. I have no connection to the other projects.

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0x0x Pippi ??

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